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Chapter 276: The Bamboo Basket Draws Water 1 Game

Chapter 276
Yu Changshan nodded: "That's right! I'm really grateful for your help, brother Moni, otherwise I wouldn't be able to reach this step so quickly."

The man named Moni asked, "By the way, how is the plan going? Our country H is still waiting for the day when you make the decision."

Tian Jingxuan, who had been hiding in the bathroom, listened to their conversation in disbelief. They seemed to have mentioned something that happened 13 years ago.

The most important thing 13 years ago, would it be that one?Tian Jingxuan also asked a big question.

Immediately afterwards, the person named Moni said, "By the way, that little girl is still there."

little girl?The little girl from back then?Not only Yu Changshan was stunned, but even Tian Jingxuan, who was hiding, covered her mouth in disbelief.

Is this person talking about the little girl from back then?That little girl?Is that what they thought?Faced with such questions, it is natural for someone to ask them.

Yu Changshan asked uncertainly, "The original successor of the empire?"

Mo Ni laughed loudly and said, "Yes, I also find it unbelievable, but I only learned about it from an old woman recently."

Yu Changshan asked: "Have you been to the Empire recently?"

Mooney had a half-smile: "No, when I was observing the sentiments of the people this time, I met an old lady from the Empire in a small town in our country. This old lady was very special, so I chatted with her for a while." Did not say too many details.

Yu Changshan then asked: "Are you sure you're still alive?"

Money knew who Yu Changshan was asking, and he replied: "No, so you can only go back to China to investigate by yourself. If you are still alive, it means you are in the empire."

Yu Changshan nodded. He didn't expect that this trip to country H would bring him such news. This is definitely bad news for him. If that girl is still alive, then he has been lurking for more than ten years. There may be empty bamboo baskets to fetch water in vain.

Yu Changshan came back to his senses: "Thank you Brother Moni, I hope to get Brother Moni's help when the time comes."

Money smiled: "We are allies, and it is natural to help allies."

After that, the two left the bathroom one by one as if nothing had happened.

Tian Jingxuan, who had been hiding in the bathroom the whole time, was already shocked. She simply forgot what she was doing here for now. Now Tian Jingxuan cared more about what she just heard than fixing Yu Changshan.

She roughly sorted out what she had just heard before returning to the venue.

It wasn't until the whole day's interview was over that Tian Jingxuan had her own time. Tian Jingxuan didn't feel much regret for not being able to clean up Yu Changshan today. On the contrary, she was glad that she didn't succeed.

In the dead of night in Country H, Tian Jingxuan talked with Qi Zibai, and she was very serious when she spoke: "Zibai, I have something very important to tell you now."

The person on the phone frowned, something very important?Could it be that his family's Xuan'er had become enlightened and finally agreed to marry him?

Regarding this conjecture, Qi Zibai couldn't help but raised the corner of his mouth: "Okay, tell me, I'll listen."

Tian Jingxuan took a breath: "Well, maybe my aunt's daughter is still alive."

At first Qi Zibai thought he had heard something wrong, and asked repeatedly: "My aunt's daughter? Which aunt?"

Tian Jingxuan directly reported her name this time: "Aunt Qi Jingyuan's daughter."

For Qi Zibai, this was really, really too shocking. Aunt's daughter, isn't that Ke'er who has passed away for many years?How could it be possible, they saw Sister Ke'er's death with their own eyes back then, and now they suddenly said that she might still be alive, is this true?

(End of this chapter)

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