Chapter 281

For An Manman, it seems that the idol has really left her, and maybe they really won't have the chance to meet again in the future!
Xiao Xixi's idol is very determined this time, she won't come back again, unless, unless there is a miracle, yes, what if a miracle happens!Thinking of this made her feel much better.

When Shi Luoxi was sitting in the car on the way to the airport, she couldn't help but shed tears after all.

She is really going to leave her brother, Beicheng, maybe she will never see her again!
When Luo Xi had just left the nest that belonged to her and her brother, a person not far away reported, "Master, Miss has already left."

Si Jingchen just hummed and hung up the phone. He really knew his girl very well, and she really chose to leave him, but is it possible?
The road to the airport is not very far. When Shi Luoxi arrived at the airport, it was quite early before her flight took off.

She sat in the waiting room and looked at the people coming and going in the airport through the glass window. It seemed that people would say goodbye in a hurry, and it seemed that they didn't even say goodbye in a hurry.

When she fell into her own world, a thin voice entered her ears.

"Beicheng, goodbye, no, I don't seem to have a relationship with you in Beicheng." The girl said.

Her words successfully caught Shi Luoxi's attention, goodbye in Beicheng?Is this girl like her?

She couldn't help talking to the girl beside her: "You, are you leaving Beicheng too?"

Hearing her voice, the girl immediately raised her head to look at Shi Luoxi. For a moment, this girl fell into a rut. She was so cute and QQ. She had seen her in the photos, but she never thought that the real person was really more beautiful and cuter.

Being so cute, it's no wonder she can become the young master's favorite.She stared blankly for a long time, when Luo Xi was looked at by her like this, she coughed a little uncomfortable.

The girl came to her senses: "Oh, I'm sorry, you look very similar to a friend of mine. For a while... I'm sorry!" The girl said apologetically.

Shi Luoxi shook her head, she also looked carefully at the girl in front of her, and asked, "I'm sorry, I overheard what you said just now, are you also leaving Beicheng?"

The girl nodded: "Yeah, leaving this place may allow me to meet someone more beautiful."

Shi Luoxi smiled, this girl is so pretty, she should be around her age.

The girl looked at the ticket in Shi Luoxi's hand, and asked, "Hey, we are on the same flight, right?" After speaking, the girl took out her ticket.

He opened his mouth again and said, "Mine is for Nancheng."

Shi Luoxi looked at the girl in a little surprise, and then looked at her ticket, is it really the same place?

Shi Luoxi also looked at the girl's ticket at the same time, and then said with a smile: "We are really destined!"

The girl also nodded: "Since we are so destined, can we make friends?"

When making friends, Shi Luoxi hesitated. After all, she just met, what if she is a bad person, but another villain interrupted her thought: "Tch, don't you think he looks so good-looking? You can't tell if he's a bad person." Shi Luoxi, you just follow it!
Shi Luoxi stretched out her hand: "Hello, my name is Shi Luoxi."

The girl immediately extended her hand, and the two shook hands in a friendly manner, which also indicated that the two had officially become friends.

The girl also introduced: "Lin Yihua, 17 years old this year."

Damn, after Lin Yihua's introduction, he couldn't help complaining in his heart: I'm going, I'm an old aunt in her twenties, for the sake of the boss, I really shameless, pretending to be tender, she is actually very embarrassed!

(End of this chapter)

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