good sunset view

Chapter 283 Absolute Stalker

Chapter 283 Absolute Stalker
After Shi Luoxi calmed down, she finally said: "May everything here be even better." May my brother be happier in the future.

Beicheng, this city is of great significance to her, and to this city, perhaps she is just a passerby passing by in a hurry!

But this city is of great significance to her. It has all her good memories here, it has brought her warmth, and it has given her such a warm and good brother.

But today, she left all these good things, and the future will only be her own.

For the rest of my life, it's a long road.Without her brother, she must live a good life, and then watch her brother happy somewhere.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Luoxi tried hard to smile.

"Laughing is so ugly, it's uglier than crying." An unfriendly voice suddenly came from the side.

This time, not only Shi Luoxi was shocked, but Lin Yihua was also shocked. Could this be a plot arranged by the boss?No, didn't the boss say that he only arranged for her to accompany the young lady?So what's the situation now?Lin Yihua cheered up, fearing that this person would do something bad to Shi Luoxi.

Shi Luoxi's heart was already very heavy, she didn't expect someone to be so unfriendly right now, didn't this happen to hit her wound?
It won't work if she doesn't want to go back!
"You're so ugly, don't use books to block yourself if you have the ability, heh, can't it be that you are really too ugly, so you have no face to face people?" Shi Luoxi said angrily.

As if he didn't hear it, the man continued to cover himself with the book, as if he was sleeping.

What to do, our classmate Luo Xi just wants to find someone to scold him: "Hey, you really can't be guessed by me, right? Since that's the case, why do you still have the courage to call others ugly! "

Lin Yihua, who was at the side, wanted to laugh a little. Why is her young lady so cute? What does it mean if this is the case, is she saying that since she is ugly?Hahaha, she laughed so hard, I didn't expect that the young lady is still the kind of person who needs to be analyzed in depth.

Finally, the person who pretended to be sleeping reacted, reached out and took away the book, and said with a wicked smile, "See it now!"

Shi Luoxi opened her mouth in surprise, but couldn't speak.

The man asked narcissistically: "Hey, look at this reaction, is it because I am fascinated by my handsome appearance? Look, I don't even blink."

Shi Luoxi came back to her senses: "Hey, I said classmate Shen Junxuan, why did you appear here? You, you are following me, right?" It stands to reason that Shen Junxuan is not in class at this time, right?
Shen Junxuan closed the book: "Stalking? Shi Luoxi has only seen you for a few days, you are really narcissistic!"

Shi Luoxi just wants to know why this guy suddenly appeared here: "What are you doing in Nancheng?"

Shen Junxuan looked at her and said with a smile: "Student Luoxi when I said it, you really are a noble person who forgets things too much. Didn't you try your best to invite me to Nancheng last time? It's not because of your recommendation, so I decided to go for a walk in Nancheng Heck!"

When Luoxi thought back, she seemed to have really said that before, and asked again uncertainly: "Is it really like this?"

Shen Junxuan nodded, and then asked his own question: "Shi Luoxi, shouldn't you be in the hospital at this time?" This question made Shi Luoxi thump.

She looked at Shen Junxuan, but said nothing.

Shen Junxuan seemed to see through: "I said Shi Luoxi, did you escape behind my cousin's back?"

(End of this chapter)

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