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Chapter 293 She's Cute

Chapter 293 She's Cute
Yu Changfeng went on to say: "Yuanyuan, don't worry, I'll let that boy Jing Chen come over tomorrow to clarify the matter. We will never wrong anyone, but we can't just sit idly by."

Qi Jingyuan nodded, she agreed with her husband's approach.

The next day, as expected, Si Jingchen was invited to the presidential palace as a guest.

Yu Changfeng greeted him personally.

Before coming, Si Jingchen knew why he was invited to the presidential palace.

Si Jingchen walked in and called out politely, "Aunt Jingyuan, hello uncle."

Yu Changfeng nodded and motioned him to sit down.

He asked straight to the point: "Does Xiaochen know the reason why you came here this time?"

Si Jingchen replied with a smile, "I know."

Yu Changfeng didn't go around the bush, and asked directly: "What does Xiaochen think about this matter?"

Si Jingchen didn't think about hiding anything, so he told all about Luo Xi's process when Yu Xiner bullied her. Yu Changfeng and Qi Jingyuan listened anxiously.

In the end, Yu Changfeng said fiercely: "How can a girl like Xin'er do such a thing of bullying her classmates? This, this, how can people tolerate it."

Si Jingchen went on to say: "I remember my uncle told us when I was young, if people don't offend me, I won't offend them, but if they offend me, then I will definitely not show mercy. This time I didn't go too far, because I Knowing that he is the niece of Uncle and Aunt Jingyuan, if I do something too serious, Uncle and Aunt Jingyuan will definitely be sad, so I just fight back."

Yu Changfeng and Qi Jingyuan nodded, expressing their understanding of Si Jingchen's approach.

Finally, Qi Jingyuan couldn't help asking: "Xiaochen, how is that little girl doing now? Is she okay?"

Si Jingchen deliberately told about Shi Luoxi's serious injury: "Girl's uterus is severely damaged, and it will be difficult to conceive in the future." When he said this, why didn't Si Jingchen feel heartbroken!

Qi Jingyuan's heart skipped a beat, what should I do!
Qi Jingyuan asked, "Does Xiaochen like this girl?"

Speaking of Shi Luoxi, Si Jingchen couldn't hide his smile, and he said: "The girl is very cute, I believe that if Aunt Jingyuan sees it, she will also like it, and by the way, Brother Zibo even recognized the girl as his younger sister." , Grandpa Qi also likes girls very much."

Qi Jingyuan knew about this. Her nephew recognized a beautiful little girl as his younger sister. The entire Qi family knew about it. She missed meeting that little girl last time because she had so many things to do. Chance.

Qi Jingyuan really wanted to meet, this little girl everyone said was cute, she said firmly: "If you have a chance, you must show it to Aunt Jingyuan."

Si Jingchen nodded: "Naturally, there will be that opportunity."

Qi Jingyuan nodded happily as if she had received some important promise.

In this matter, it is obvious that Yu Changfeng did not favor Yu Xiner just because she was his niece, he was more inclined to Si Jingchen's side, and it was not because he valued Si Jingchen, a young man, but because He thought it was Yu Xiner's fault in the first place.

Originally, Yu Changfeng wanted to stay with Si Jingchen for lunch, but Si Jingchen refused Yu Changfeng on the grounds that he had a lot of things to do.

For this reason, Yu Changfeng also joked: "Haha, Jing Chen is almost catching up with me."

Si Jingchen smiled awkwardly: "I'm really sorry, there are a lot of things that need to be dealt with recently, uncle, don't laugh at me."

Yu Changfeng didn't embarrass Si Jingchen too much in this matter, and immediately asked him to go back to work on him. He just said it casually, joking with this kid.

(End of this chapter)

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