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Chapter 299 Another Dilemma

Chapter 299 In trouble again

The town leader nodded.

Si Jingchen continued: "She used to work in the imperial presidential palace, so she is very important to us."

Seeing that Si Jingchen was very sincere, the leader of the town replied, "Are you sure you won't really hurt her?"

Si Jingchen nodded: "No, she used to be an excellent nursery teacher, and she was the one who took care of the former heir of our empire... For the rest, please forgive me if I can't say more, but please believe, she It’s really like our relatives.”

People in the small town began to trust Si Jingchen, but they still hesitated.

Si Jingchen can understand their hesitation, but his time is really running out, he continued: "If you know any news about her, please tell us as soon as possible, I think you have also seen that there is another A group of people are looking for her, and if she is found by those people, it will be very dangerous."

People in the town are weighing, they don't want to see anyone get hurt.

Finally, with Si Jingchen's unremitting efforts, the people in the town finally let go.

"We know the person you are looking for for sure. She has lived in our small town for more than ten years," they said.

Si Jingchen quickly caught on. What they said was that they had indeed lived. Does that mean that they have left now?
Si Jingchen asked excitedly, "Has she already left?"

The man sighed just now: "Since the people above visited our town last time, Romel has left. I remember that the Prime Minister asked her a lot of things and things, and even some things Romel didn't want to say were rejected. The Prime Minister forced him to speak out."

Si Jingchen asked eagerly again: "Then did you hear their conversation clearly?"

The man replied: "There are not many people who can hear it. After all, they don't all talk in H, but most of them use Chinese."

Si Jingchen was a little disappointed.

But this person continued: "But I can speak a little Chinese. I seem to have heard our Prime Minister ask Romel if she has ever worked in the Imperial Palace, and if she has ever taken care of a little girl. Then I will I don't quite understand, but they keep mentioning the word little girl, sorry, that's all I can understand."

To Si Jingchen, this information was important enough to prove that the imperial man here was indeed the person they were looking for.

She is definitely Ke'er's personal servant back then. From this point of view, it is extremely possible that Ke'er is still alive.

Si Jingchen politely thanked the residents of these small towns in country H, and said to one of them: "What you said has helped us a lot, thank you very much, if you need anything in the future, please Just look for me." After speaking, he handed the man a business card.

In the end, Si Jingchen confirmed with the residents of the town again and again where Du Qiuxia was going in the end.

Although they failed to find someone in the small town this time, for Si Jingchen and the others, they had already gained a lot.

At least it seems that this former babysitter is very smart, she can protect herself and know how to hide.

Of course, although Yu Changshan acted quickly, it was not so easy to find someone.

But at the same time, it also brought them greater difficulty. They had to find this person named Du Qiuxia before Yu Changshan, but now they had no way to do it.

Without any definite information, they could only search for a needle in a haystack again. Of course, they got the real appearance of this Du Qiuxia now, which should be easier than the previous time.

(End of this chapter)

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