good sunset view

Chapter 302 I'm Behind You

Chapter 302 I'm Behind You

However, what few people knew was that there was a person who rushed over non-stop as soon as he got off the plane. He stayed in the best position and accompanied his girl from a distance.

Si Jingchen didn't expect that his girl would come to this alley at this time, how could he forget this alley!

It is still fresh in his memory, that is where he met his girl, and he can still remember the strange feeling at the beginning, when he unconsciously brought her into his arms.

Now he is actually very grateful to himself at that time. If he had done nothing at that time, would he never meet his girl again!
Finally, Shi Luoxi was tired from walking, she walked out of this long and narrow alley, and walked back to their residence alone.

Not many people knew of Si Jingchen's arrival, even Lin Yihua didn't know that her big boss was coming.

If they hadn't been stopped by several people when they went downstairs, it would be impossible for Lin Yihua and Shen Junxuan to know that Si Jingchen was also in Nancheng.

It was inconceivable for the two of them to react the same way when they saw Si Jingchen. They never expected that Si Jingchen would appear here at this time.

Si Jingchen spoke first: "Tomorrow is Xi'er's birthday."

The implication is, don't be surprised, I can't miss my little girl's birthday.

The two nodded mechanically.

It was night, and everyone seemed to be asleep, including Shi Luoxi.

For some reason today, Shi Luoxi felt very sleepy after dinner, and fell asleep almost as soon as she got on the bed.

In her deep sleep, she occasionally said something.

The person holding his little hand leaned closer, eager to hear what his little girl was saying.

This time I finally heard clearly: "Brother, I'm afraid, Xi'er is afraid, I'm afraid you don't want Xi'er, don't want Xi'er, okay, Xi'er misses you so much..." She spoke intermittently.

Si Jingchen hugged the little girl in his arms: "Silly girl, come back then, brother will always be by your side, as long as you turn around you can see it, promise brother, whenever you want to go home, come back, okay? "

The sound asleep made a "hmm", I don't know if it was inadvertent, or it was answering Si Jingchen's question.

Si Jingchen, who hadn't had a little girl by his side for a long time, was extra cautious, holding her in his arms, as if she was afraid that she would fly away.

During these days, without his little girl, his sleep quality suddenly returned to the era when he rarely slept soundly.

This is what he missed for several months. He looked at his little girl, she was so beautiful, so beautiful, you just need to look at her quietly, and you will feel that it is enough and satisfied.

As long as he has his little girl by his side, his sleep quality is always good, and before he knows it, he also falls asleep.

Until the next day, before dawn, he used his strong willpower to leave Shi Luoxi's room.

In the morning, the sun is shining brightly, giving people a warm feeling.

The sun shines through the curtains and shines on the sleeping man's little face, and the man is awakened by the glimmer of sunshine.

When she opened her eyes, it was a new day. She opened the curtains, and the outside was beautiful.

She thought to herself that such a beautiful day should not be wasted, and she must do something meaningful. She thought that she had been in Nancheng for so long, and she hadn't visited the dean's mother yet.

So, she excitedly ran to Shen Junxuan's room, and in the early morning, she knocked on Shen Junxuan's door.

As the son of a son, Shen Junxuan hates being disturbed when he is sleeping soundly. However, the knock on the door was stronger and louder than the other, and he finally couldn't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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