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Chapter 314 The Mysterious School

Chapter 314 The Mysterious School
Si Jingchen said firmly: "No, I believe, I believe Aunt Xia, it was Aunt Xia who saved my girl, Aunt Xia, thank you, thank you very much." The implication of Si Jingchen's words is that you She is my girl's savior.

Si Jingchen showed a rare smile, this smile was because of her Xi'er, Ke'er, and of course because his girl was the same cutie from beginning to end.

Du Qiuxia didn't expect that someone like Young Master Si would trust her so much, what's wrong with her!
She has made Miss suffer for so many years, but Young Master Si is still thanking her now. She doesn't know how to describe this feeling.

She shook her head again and again: "Young Master Si is serious, this is my job, but I have let Miss live a hard life for so many years."

She knew that the young lady was adopted by a rich family in Nancheng, but that family did not treat the young lady very well. It can be said that the young lady suffered countless pains.

Si Jingchen looked at the admirable elder in front of him, and said again, "Aunt Xia, if I don't find you, what are you going to do next?"

He wanted to know Aunt Xia's plan so that he could better protect his little girl.

Du Qiuxia smiled and said: "I know that Miss just returned to Nancheng recently, and it happened to be the time when those people were looking for me, so I decided to go back to China. I should go back to China to protect Miss. I can guard her not far away. .”

For Du Qiuxia, Shi Luoxi is her mission in this life. She has never been married in her life, and of course she has never thought about getting married.

This kind of mission stems from the fact that she was admitted to a special school in the empire. This school is very mysterious. In fact, almost no one will know its existence.

This is a school that only serves the country, and every student in it has been selected through layers of screening.

And among these carefully selected students, they didn't know before that they would be valued. Of course, they didn't even know the existence of this special school.

Take Du Qiuxia herself as an example. She was studying in Beicheng University at the time. When she was in the third grade, she was suddenly assigned a special exam.

After that exam, all kinds of inexplicable people always appeared around her, some were even big stars, or people with the most ordinary occupations, etc., but the appearance of these people happened to have a common The characteristic, that is, when they appear by her side, something will happen.

There is no doubt that she will be the master of events every time, and such things will continue until the end of junior year.

When she was in her senior year, she was born in an ordinary family, and at that time she only wanted to find a good job.

Over time, she also forgot about the things that happened to her, until one day, she received an inexplicable phone call, and at the same time someone sent an admission notice.

The content of the call was actually: Congratulations to her, she was admitted to Imperial ANG University.

Then there was nothing. She originally thought that this must be a scam call, but at the same time, she received the admission letter from this university.

This admission letter was completely different from her university admission letter back then. When she opened it, there was nothing in it, only a chip.

Out of curiosity, she took the chip out of the tree. What she didn't expect was that the chip changed immediately after it was removed, and a display screen was displayed in front of her.

At that time, she did not forget to admire in her heart: Wow, why has our current technology developed to this point?
(End of this chapter)

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