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Chapter 327 Willing to gamble and admit defeat

Chapter 327 Willing to gamble and admit defeat
But it's sad to say that a child born in a small family like Shi Feifei will never know how to cherish it.

Yu Xiner returned to school with joy.

She went straight to Shi Feifei, and said in an embarrassing manner: "Shi Feifei, you lost."

Shi Feifei was amused by her inexplicable words: "Yu Xiner, did you forget to take your medicine today?"

Yu Xiner was not angry either, she deliberately wore a suspender skirt today, and she was standing in front of Shi Feifei condescendingly at this moment.

He pointed at the hickey marks on his neck anxiously: "Did you see it? This is the mark of love. As I said, Brother Chen loves me very much. This is the best proof he gave me. These are all the marks of Chen's love." Brother loves me and left it behind!"

Shi Feifei looked at the conspicuous hickey marks on Yu Xiner's body, and didn't expect that Yu Xiner would really get the love of President Si, but on second thought, what if Yu Xiner fooled her!

Shi Feifei began to taunt: "Yu Xiner, are you going to have sex with some wild man?"

Yu Xiner didn't expect Shi Feifei to say that, and she was a little anxious: "You, Shi Feifei, don't slander me just because you lost."

Shi Feifei saw her getting angry from embarrassment, thinking that she was really messing around with others, and then came to fool herself.

He said even more embarrassingly: "Hey, I said Miss Yu, will you embarrass your father if you do this? If you accidentally become pregnant with a child of an unknown person, you will be changed." It's done, so what is it, it seems to be called a wild species?"

Yu Xiner said loudly angrily: "Shi Feifei, you just can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. I want to tell Brother Chen that you said his child is a wild child."

Shi Feifei is not afraid of Yu Xiner at all now, and she kindly reminded Yu Xiner: "Oh, then you should go and talk about it! But I suggest that you take some contraceptive pills before that, otherwise the time will pass." , but it’s too late to regret it!”

Yu Xiner was annoyed by Shi Feifei just now, and her IQ was a little off the mark, but now that she came to her senses, she would not let Shi Feifei go.

"Shi Feifei, just obediently go to that place to work for a month! By the way, I have chosen the location for you." Yu Xiner said.

Then she took out her mobile phone: "Don't you believe me? Here, let me show you. Originally, this kind of photo is my personal privacy, and I don't want to show it, but when I saw you, Feifei didn't cry when she saw the coffin."

Yu Xiner kept shaking her mobile phone in front of Shi Feifei's eyes, Shi Feifei naturally saw the photo.

The classmates who had been watching saw that Feifei hadn't spoken for a long time, and came over curiously to look at the photos.

The people in the photo were kissing. They both knew each other. One was their classmate Yu Xiner, and the other was the heir to the Si family, a man of great influence in the shopping mall.

A classmate exclaimed, "Wow, it's Mr. Si, and they are actually kissing. This, ah! The male god belongs to someone else, so I'm not happy."

It took Shi Feifei a while to say, "What can a photo tell?"

Yu Xin'er didn't expect Shi Feifei to say that, she was a little angry, she said angrily: "Shi Feifei, are you trying to play tricks?"

At this time, the classmates next to him also echoed: "Yes, classmate Shi, you can't afford to lose, can you?"

Then Yu Xin'er's little follower also fanned the flames and said: "Yes, Shi Feifei is willing to gamble and admit defeat, don't you know this? You are so old, and let our Xiner teach you? Is it so worrying?"

As more and more students join in, you say what you say, and Shi Feifei wants to say something now, but no one is on her side.

(End of this chapter)

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