good sunset view

Chapter 335 Customer is God

Chapter 335 Customer is God

Shi Feifei nodded.

The manager saw that she was good-looking, so he arranged for her a more experienced old employee.

Manager: "Nia, she's following you, you take her first."

The person named Nia smiled: "Okay, no problem, I like to bring this kind of good-looking beauties the most."

Then Nia looked at Shi Feifei: "Follow me from now on! I'll take you and make sure you can do well here."

Shi Feifei nodded.

Nia said, "Call me Miss Nia from now on."

The manager left after making arrangements, leaving Shi Feifei and Nia behind. Under the leadership of Nia, Shi Feifei came to the locker room.

Their uniforms are short skirts, which look good, but are a little shorter.

Shi Feifei quickly changed into her work clothes: "Sister Nia, I've changed."

The woman named Nia looked her up and down, then frowned, and asked displeasedly, "What are you wearing?"

Shi Feifei looked down, she was well dressed!
Nia, you didn't wait for Shi Feifei to observe what was wrong by herself, so she did it directly, and tidied up Shi Feifei's "inappropriate" attire with ease.

Shi Feifei was surprised, this, this, how could this be like this?
Nia said very calmly: "It seems that the manager forgot to tell you about the requirements for grooming. Now let me tell you that as a nightclub employee, you can only wear the work clothes provided by the company when you go to work, and nothing else is allowed. "

Shi Feifei looked at the coat that Nia had taken off, and she asked weakly, "Can't you wear a coat?"

Nia seemed to hear a joke: "I've said it all, you can only wear work clothes. What kind of work clothes are provided for you? You can wear whatever you have."

Under the guidance of Nia, Shi Feifei was finally able to officially start working. Since Nia is the number one waiter in the nightclub, the private rooms she serves are all the kind of rich or expensive.

Shi Feifei, as a newcomer under Nia's belt, has the opportunity to study with Nia in this kind of luxurious private room.

When Feifei followed Nia into the private room, Nia came to the customer with a smile, filled the customer's glass, and then stood aside.

Shi Feifei was a little surprised. It seemed to be different from what she had imagined. If she was just a simple service worker, why was there such an excessive requirement on dress.

When she was puzzled, the customer in the private room said: "That girl sits here." The customer patted the seat next to him.

Shi Feifei didn't realize that the customer was calling her, but she looked in the direction of the speaker. She didn't expect it to be a foreigner, but she spoke Chinese very well.

As Shi Feifei's senior, Nia immediately pushed Shi Feifei: "The guest is calling you, hurry up, don't disobey the guest, if you don't want to be fired and pay the liquidated damages."

In the bet between Shi Feifei and Yu Xiner, Shi Feifei could not leave the night show midway, let alone be fired, otherwise the punishment would have to start over.

At the same time, Feifei remembered what the manager said, the customer is God.

Shi Feifei obediently walked to the foreigner's side, and sat beside the foreigner.

The foreigner immediately put his hand on Shi Feifei's shoulder: "The little beauty looks good, let uncle guess, it should be the new little beauty today!"

Shi Feifei nodded shyly.

The foreigner didn't continue to tease Shi Feifei, but continued to talk to his friend.

"Brother Changshan, I have to disturb you for a long time when I come to the empire this time."

Shi Feifei thought she heard it wrong, so she unconsciously raised her head to look at the person next to her, but unexpectedly it was Yu Changshan, Yu Xiner's father.

(End of this chapter)

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