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Chapter 343 Du Qiuxia Appears

Chapter 343 Du Qiuxia Appears

Lin Yihua rushed into the bathroom and saw Shi Luoxi in the bathtub at a glance. Looking carefully, she found that the girl's eyes were closed.

Lin Yihua walked over nervously: "Luo Xi, Luo Xi, wake up, Luo Xi, wake up..."

Lin Yihua yelled for a long time, but still didn't wake up anyone. Facing a well-trained bodyguard, Lin Yihua quickly understood the reason why he couldn't wake up.

She quickly put on Shi Luoxi's clothes, and then called out loudly for Shen Junxuan who had been outside.

Shen Junxuan was also really frightened. He picked up Shi Luoxi and ran out of the hotel in a hurry. The two of them sent Shi Luoxi to the hospital as quickly as possible.

After Shi Luoxi entered the operating room, Lin Yihua didn't dare to slack off for a moment, and quickly notified the big boss.

Si Jingchen, who was still busy at first, dropped everything and went straight to the hospital after knowing that his little girl was being rescued.

When he arrived, the rescue was over. Fortunately, Shi Luoxi had already been transferred to the inpatient department.

When Si Jingchen arrived in the ward, he saw the person lying on the bed, her face was pale.

Si Jingchen asked tremblingly, "What's wrong with Xi'er?"

Lin Yihua repeated what the doctor said just now: "The doctor said that Miss doesn't want to wake up."

Si Jingchen: "Why?"

Lin Yihua shook his head, but told Si Jingchen roughly what happened today.

After Si Jingchen heard this, he wanted to kill someone.

He sat beside Shi Luoxi's hospital bed: "Xi'er, wake up quickly, brother misses you, these days without you, do you know how hard it is for brother?"

After this incident, Si Jingchen decided that he would never let his girl leave again, and not let his girl get hurt again.

During this period, he had a phone call with Qi Zibai and the others: "Brother, has Yu Changshan found Aunt Xia's whereabouts?"

Since Qi Zibai retired, he has been investigating what happened back then.

Qi Zibai replied: "Well, it's been so long, it's really time for him to find out."

Si Jingchen: "Very well, Xi'er is back, I don't intend to let Xi'er leave."

Qi Zibai frowned, this was different from their original plan, he didn't understand why Si Jingchen suddenly changed his mind.

Qi Zibai said worriedly: "You know, if Xi'er stays by your side, it might be very dangerous."

Si Jingchen replied: "Yu Changshan has already found Aunt Xia, it will be more dangerous for Xi'er to stay in Nancheng."

When he finally finished speaking, Si Jingchen said in a low voice: "Xi'er is in the hospital now."

Hearing that Shi Luoxi was in the hospital, Qi Zibai immediately asked nervously: "What's wrong with Xi'er?"

Si Jingchen simply replied: "I was hospitalized, Yu Xiner met Xi'er today, let the lip-styling expert translate those conversations."

After hanging up the phone, Qi Zibai acted immediately, Tian Jingxuan who was always by his side didn't know what happened until after he made arrangements.

Tian Jingxuan: "Zibai, have you forgotten, I can lip shape, let me translate, and give me the surveillance video."

After Tian Jingxuan finished speaking, Qi Zibai just remembered that his family Xuan'er can lip-translate, and she was too anxious just now.


Yu Xin'er was very happy today, and she also looked happy when she returned home, but she didn't expect her father to be happier than her.

She thought her father was happy about her, but she didn't expect that, she accidentally heard the content of her father's phone call.

Yu Changshan was on the phone right now: "Are you sure Du Qiuxia was found?"

The person on the other end of the phone replied with certainty: "Yes, she is now working in an orphanage in Nancheng."

Yu Changshan was very happy, and he immediately ordered: "Okay, bring me here quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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