good sunset view

Chapter 346 I Don't Allow You to Leave

Chapter 346 I Don't Allow You to Leave
Si Jingchen said coldly: "Q, do you think Lunka's punishment is too light, so you want to increase it?"

After hearing this, Lin Yihua quickly left the ward as if fleeing.

In the ward, there were only Si Jingchen and Shi Luoxi again.

Lin Yihua left, but Shi Luoxi couldn't stop her, so she could only look at the people beside her.

She said with some pain in her heart: "Shouldn't you explain it?"

Si Jingchen was very happy about what Shi Luoxi said suddenly, because his little girl was finally going to argue with him, which is great.

Si Jingchen returned with a playful smile: "What explanation do you want to hear, baby?"

When she was called baby, Shi Luoxi suddenly remembered what Yu Xiner said, and her heart seemed to be pricked again. She asked in a bad tone, "Did you call everyone a baby?"

Shi Luoxi didn't intend to say that, but after she said it, she herself was a little shocked, but she said it all, could she still regret it and hold it back?Obviously impossible.

After listening, Si Jingchen returned with a serious face: "No, only my Xi'er is my baby."

Regarding Si Jingchen's answer, Shi Luoxi couldn't help but sigh coldly in her heart, she was about to get married, and a child was about to be born, and she was still calling her baby here, could it be that the previous one was extremely gentle in front of her, and turned towards everything? Her brother, the very dedicated brother Chen, has always been like this, but she didn't notice it?

Shi Luoxi smiled, indeed, what her brother likes to call is his business, she has no right to interfere, and she doesn't have the capital to interfere.

She asked flatly, "Who is Yihua?"

Si Jingchen didn't hide her from her, and said directly: "She is an elite in the group I founded abroad. She is good at fighting, a world Sanda champion, and used to be a killer..." Si Jingchen introduced a lot of Lin Yihua data of.

If it hadn't been for Shi Luoxi to stop, he might have continued talking for a long time.

Shi Luoxi asked directly: "So you deliberately arranged this painting by my side?"

Si Jingchen: "Yes."

Shi Luoxi continued to ask: "You knew from the beginning that I was leaving?"

Si Jingchen: "Yes."

Shi Luoxi: "You always knew where I was?"

Si Jingchen: "Yes."


Shi Luoxi: "Did you come to Nancheng on July 7 last year?"

Si Jingchen: "Yes."

When Luoxi asked a question, Si Jingchen would answer it.

When all the questions were asked, Shi Luoxi finally burst into tears, only to realize that she was so stupid.

She thought that leaving was just a joke, and she never left at her brother's place.

It turns out that my brother has always known that the more Shi Luoxi thinks about it, the angrier she gets, so she has been played by her brother all this time?

After Shi Luoxi asked these questions, she really didn't know how stupid and stupid she should be.

At this moment, knowing this, she didn't know why, but her heart seemed to be happy, not as bad as imagined.

For being stupid and stupid this time, Shi Luoxi just wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Shi Luoxi lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Seeing this, Si Jingchen immediately pulled Shi Luoxi back into his arms, and asked in fear, "Xi'er, are you going? Want to leave brother again?"

Shi Luoxi didn't answer him, she just wanted to break away.

But helplessly, with Si Jingchen's strength, she was just like a little mouse. Si Jingchen hugged her tightly, not giving her any room to escape.

Shi Luoxi and Si Jingchen wrestled for a while, and finally Shi Luoxi could only say weakly, "Let me go."

Si Jingchen shook his head: "No, it's impossible, I won't let go, and you want to leave brother again, I won't allow you to leave."

With Si Jingchen's dominance, Shi Luoxi had nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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