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Chapter 352 DNA Identification

Chapter 352 DNA Identification
Si Jingchen smiled mischievously: "Well, Xi'er is still young, when Xi'er grows up, Xi'er will naturally know."

Regarding this answer, Shi Luoxi couldn't help but give Si Jingchen a blank look, what kind of answer is this!Doesn't that mean there is no answer?
Shi Luoxi did have a lot of questions, but Yu Xiner also had a lot of questions.

Yu Xiner was directly taken out of the Si Group by Mr. Wang.

Being forced by Mr. Wang to the hospital, Yu Xiner looked at Mr. Wang with hatred on her face.

After Mr. Wang rudely dragged Yu Xiner to the hospital, he asked the doctor to drink the child in Yu Xiner's stomach for a paternity test.

Mr. Wang said to Yu Xin'er: "Since you don't believe me, then do a paternity test. Also, Yu Xin'er, don't be shameless. If it wasn't for your family's power, you think I would make people suspect me casually." my child?"

Yu Xiner was held tightly by President Wang, so she couldn't move at all.

Yu Xiner: "You, you old man, how could you do this, my child must not be yours."

Mr. Wang was annoyed by her words: "Heh, what do you mean by that, you have been with others after me?"

Yu Xiner didn't answer him.

On the contrary, Mr. Wang is very forceful: "I can tell you, if you have been fucked by others, and you have such impure feelings, I won't want it."

Under Mr. Wang's coercion, the urgent DNA test results came out soon. Seeing the results, Mr. Wang smiled.

"Yes, it's mine. From now on, you should take good care of the child! The child must be surnamed Wang, but it must be raised by your Yu family!" Mr. Wang said calmly.

Then Mr. Wang said: "You don't have to be afraid of loneliness in the future. I will satisfy you from time to time, but you have to take it easy. After all, I'm already old and need to be restrained."

Yu Xin'er looked at this Boss Wang, and felt disgusted, and felt sick to her stomach, but looking at the appraisal, how could her child belong to this Boss Wang!
Yu Xiner said angrily, "I will kill the child."

Mr. Wang seemed to hear some joke: "The child is almost seven months old, are you sure you want to abort it? If you abort it, you may not be able to have children in the future.

Yu Xin'er, just obediently be my little mistress, I will satisfy all your needs, especially in that regard, I know that women of your age have more needs, in order to satisfy you, I will separate from my wife. "

In Mr. Wang's opinion, this is already his biggest concession. After all, it is impossible for him to get a divorce. Compared with a business, how could he bring down his business for a woman.

Hearing what Mr. Wang said, Yu Xiner was startled. If the child is aborted, will she not be able to conceive in the future?

Yu Xiner returned home in a daze, how could this happen, how could the child belong to Mr. Wang, no, it absolutely cannot be Mr. Wang's.

Yu Xin'er's mother, who didn't go out today, was doing her manicure. Seeing her daughter coming back, Yu's mother happily asked, "Xin'er, how is it? Did Jing Chen say when you will get married?"

Yu Xiner still held the DNA test report in her hand, and she didn't hear a word of what her mother said.

Mother Yu, who was originally in a good mood, was inevitably a little unhappy when she saw her daughter ignoring her, but then she thought that her daughter was still pregnant, and pregnant women had a temper, so she put back her unhappiness.

Mother Yu walked over and said again: "Xin'er's mother is talking to you! Why can't you answer mother?"

Yu Xiner still did not respond.

This time, Mother Yu realized that there seemed to be something wrong with her daughter, so she asked again: "Xin'er, what's wrong with you? Did Jing Chen bully you?" Mother Yu boldly guessed.

(End of this chapter)

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