good sunset view

Chapter 358 You are threatening me

Chapter 358 You are threatening me

Yu Xiner returned again: "As long as you pay back that stinky money, I still don't like it. I will leave the word here today. You want a divorce, otherwise I will let my uncle show you some color. When the time comes I'm afraid that even your family's broken property will not be able to keep it."

Mrs. Wang seemed to hear some joke: "Oh, I'm so scared, who is your uncle? Can you still force people to divorce?"

Mr. Wang, who had been standing aside watching these two women who were so different from each other, finally spoke at this rare moment: "Her uncle is President Yu."

Hearing Wang Ronggui's words, everyone around was shocked, including Mrs. Wang, who was so shocked that she didn't know what to do for a while.

Yu Xiner finally said directly: "Wang Ronggui, you must divorce this woman, or don't wait for my uncle to do it."

Wang Ronggui was also shocked this time: "Yu Xiner, are you threatening me? I said before that I can't get a divorce. Have you forgotten what I said before? And you think I'm afraid of being threatened by you ?"

Yu Xiner chuckled: "Don't be afraid, just wait and see."

After finishing speaking, she left the mall gracefully.

Mr. Wang, who stayed behind, looked at Yu Xiner and was very upset, but he soon calmed down. How could a person like him be threatened by others.

He didn't pay much attention to it, and left his wife in the mall to go to Yu Xiner's house, because Yu Xiner hadn't returned the [-] million to him yet.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived, he realized that Yu Xiner hadn't come back yet, so he took out his phone, and wanted someone to find out where Yu Xiner was now.

As soon as he took it out, the phone rang, it was his secretary.

President Wang picked it up: "What's the matter?"

The secretary on the phone: "Mr. Wang is not well. Several projects of the company have collapsed. Now the total loss is about [-] billion."

Hearing this, Mr. Wang panicked. His total net worth is only a few billion. This time, in order to cooperate with Mr. Si, he took almost all of his net worth.

Mr. Wang closed his eyes and asked, "How about the project you cooperated with Mr. Si?"

The secretary replied: "There is no problem with that project yet, but the collapse of these projects will most likely lead to the collapse of that project as well."

Mr. Wang really doesn't have much capacity to bear it.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, the secretary asked in a low voice, "Mr. Wang, have you offended someone?"

Mr. Wang kept repeating: offending someone?

The secretary went on to say: "Someone came to the company today and said that they can help us, but there are conditions."

Hearing this, this undoubtedly brought hope to Mr. Wang: "Say, what request?"

The secretary replied tremblingly: "Yes, yes, I want Mr. Wang to divorce your wife."

After the secretary finished speaking, Mr. Wang quickly thought of someone.

Mr. Wang: Oh, Yu Xiner, you really dare. You are not afraid that your child will be spurned by others. As the only child of the Yu family, I really don't believe that you would be willing to ruin your reputation.

Mr. Wang was actually wrong. Yu Xiner never thought of letting the child know that he was a father.

The reason why he was threatened before was nothing more than the fact that the Yu family didn't come over all of a sudden. Besides, Yu Xin'er's father had a very good ally.

His allies can settle anything for him.

Wang here is always in a hurry, but Yu Xiner, who was the first to leave the mall, is in a good mood.

She went to a milk tea shop with a good reputation nearby.

Thinking of the retribution Mr. Wang will encounter next, Yu Xiner's smile became even brighter.

Sitting in the best view of the milk tea shop, enjoying the joy of victory alone.

(End of this chapter)

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