Chapter 360
I have to say that Yu Xiner is really funny. In her current situation, she dared to be so arrogant and wanted to kill others.

She also didn't think about her future, why she became what she is today, and why.

But people like Yu Xiner seem to never think so.

After coming out of the milk tea shop, Lin Yihua sent Shi Luoxi back.

Of course, someone had been waiting for her at home, and when he saw her come back, he immediately picked him up.

And asked gently: "Are you happy today? Did you miss your brother?"

When Luoxi returned to her brother's side again, she felt that many things had changed, and she could never return to the past.

So in the face of such enthusiasm, she always acted coldly, and she didn't answer Si Jingchen.

Si Jingchen was neither angry nor sad, as if he knew that Shi Luoxi would react like this, and said to himself: "Well, brother is not happy today, because my Xi'er is not here today, and my brother is always thinking about it. Looking at our family, Xi'er."

Being hugged by him all the time, Shi Luoxi didn't like it at all: "You, can you let me down?"

Si Jingchen smiled: "No, brother took you to eat, must be hungry?"

Today, he has given a lot of confession that he must never let his little girl eat outside. Lin Yihua and An Manman did a good job in this regard.

Shi Luoxi was forcibly taken to the dining room again, and then began to eat, as usual, his masked brother must have fed her first.

Shi Luoxi said again: "I can eat by myself, I don't need to be fed, I'm not a child." Her tone was very light.

Si Jingchen always replied like this every time: "Hey, brother, it's the same for you."

Shi Luoxi finally couldn't stand it anymore: "If you do this, you will make me look like a disabled person, so that I will not be able to take care of myself in the future." Shi Luoxi really broke out this time, and she spoke very loudly.

It also gave Steward Li a big jump.

After being yelled at like this, Si Jingchen was not angry, but laughed instead, his little girl finally let it out, that's great.

Si Jingchen smiled and said, "It's okay, you have a brother!"

But even though he said so, he let Shi Luoxi go free, saying that she could eat by herself.

When she was free, Luo Xi thought of herself just now, and was a little embarrassed, so she buried her head in eating.

She couldn't imagine how terrible it was that she yelled at her brother just now.

After dinner, Shi Luoxi agreed to accompany him for a walk in the yard outside under Si Jingchen's acting coquettishly.

Si Jingchen took Shi Luoxi's hand naturally, and said in his mouth: "Xi'er, my brother is actually a little sad. You obviously called me brother and asked me questions at the group that day, but after that day, You never called me brother again.

I know you are angry with your brother, but can you stop treating him so coldly and violently, my brother is so uncomfortable. "

The current Si Jingchen looked very much like a wronged little daughter-in-law. Seeing such a brother and hearing what he said, Shi Luoxi actually felt uncomfortable.

Si Jingchen said in a low voice again: "It's fine for Xi'er not to forgive my brother, but can I give my brother a little response once in a while?"

Shi Luoxi still didn't answer his question, but she took the initiative to speak.

Shi Luoxi said in a very soft voice, "I saw Yu Xin'er again today."

Hearing that Xiao Nizi saw Yu Xin'er, Si Jingchen immediately asked nervously, "What did she do to you, did you? Was she injured?" After asking, he looked carefully to see if Luo Xi was injured.

(End of this chapter)

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