good sunset view

Chapter 370 Missing the Best Time

Chapter 370 Missing the Best Time

From Luo Xi's reaction when Lin Yihua saw it, he knew that the young lady was going to save that person.

Shi Luoxi speeded up and quickly walked towards the direction where the blood flowed out.

Not long after, Shi Luoxi walked over, looking at the big pool of blood on the ground, it could be seen that this person was seriously injured, looking at the lying person, he couldn't see his face clearly.

Shi Luoxi tried to shout: "Hey, Miss, wake up, wake up, I can't sleep."

She was afraid that this person would not be able to survive because of the serious injury, so she kept trying to wake him up.

But there was no response for a while, Shi Luoxi immediately said: "One picture, call an ambulance."

Lin Yihua complied and immediately called an ambulance.

During this process, Shi Luoxi still did not give up on waking up the injured: "Miss, wake up, you can't sleep like this, wake up..."

She yelled for a long time, but the bleeding person still didn't seem to respond.

Finally, Lin Yihua couldn't stand it: "Luo Xi, let me come, I can do some simple emergency rescue."

Shi Luoxi nodded, and gently moved the injured person's head with Lin Yihua to make sure she was still alive.

The moment she saw the injury clearly, Shi Luoxi was a little surprised, she called out: "Yu Xiner? How could it be, how could it be you?"

When Lin Yihua heard the name, she immediately realized who it was. She let go of her hand, not wanting to save this person named Yu Xiner.

Lin Yihua looked at Yu Xin'er coldly, and then said to Shi Luoxi: "Luo Xi, let's go, there is nothing to save this kind of person."

When she was about to pull Shi Luoxi away, Shi Luoxi shook her head, how could she refuse to save her!

"No, Yihua, save her first, I know you know medicine." Shi Luoxi said to Lin Yihua.

Lin Yihua shook her head, she insisted on her point of view: "No, Luo Xi, she hurt you so much, why do you save her, this kind of person should be like this, let's go!"

Shi Luoxi shook her head, firmly disagreeing to leave.

Lin Yihua returned again: "Luo Xi, we are already very merciful. We have called an ambulance for her, and that's already settled. Let's go, the ambulance will come soon."

Shi Luoxi is not the kind of person who would do nothing but do nothing: "Yihua, we can't do nothing but see that she is bleeding all the time, it is very likely that it is the blood of the child in her belly, Yihua hurry up, otherwise she will die." It's really possible to die..."

Under Shi Luoxi's repeated insistence, Lin Yihua had no choice but to obey Shi Luoxi.

Lin Yihua used his own set of medical skills to give Yu Xiner a simple treatment, but it stopped the bleeding. Stopping the bleeding is the most important step.

If the bleeding cannot be stopped, it means that the injured is likely to bleed profusely and die.

During Lin Yihua's first aid, the ambulance personnel finally arrived.

Shi Luoxi and Lin Yihua accompanied Yu Xiner to the hospital. On the way, Yu Xiner woke up and saw Shi Luoxi.

She didn't expect Shi Luoxi to save her, but she felt very uncomfortable.

After being sent to the hospital, the doctor immediately rescued her. Seeing the operating lights on, Yu Xiner's parents also rushed over.

When they arrived, it happened to be the first time the doctor came out, and the doctor asked very seriously, "Who is the patient's family?"

Yu Xiner's mother rushed up excitedly: "I am I am, how is my daughter?"

Doctor: "The patient has missed the best time, the child is gone, and hysterectomy is now necessary due to massive bleeding, otherwise the patient's life will be in danger at any time, please sign the family."

Hearing the doctor's words, Yu Xiner's mother fell to the ground: "No, how can the hysterectomy be done, no, I won't sign it."

(End of this chapter)

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