Chapter 372

After speaking, Luo Xi left the hospital when Lin Yihua was holding her hand. Now she must send her Miss Luo Xi back, or his boss will punish her again.

It wasn't until she walked out of the hospital that Shi Luoxi said, "Yihua, did you hear just now, the doctor said that Yu Xiner's uterus must be cut off, how could this be, this, how uncomfortable this must be for her!"

Shi Luoxi sympathized with Yu Xiner very much. In her opinion, Yu Xiner's hysterectomy was an extremely uncomfortable thing.

Lin Yihua was full of hostility towards Yu Xiner: "She deserves it. It's not bad if she didn't take her life. It's just a hysterectomy. Why care so much?"

Shi Luoxi disapproved of Lin Yihua's words: "Yihua, how can we say that! What's more, she suffered such a serious injury."

Lin Yihua sometimes really wants to see what her lady's head is made of. This family has started to slander her, and she is still here to sympathize with him.

Lin Yihua said again: "Student Luo Xi! Do you know that people have started to slander you just now, and I think we will visit the police station soon."

Shi Luoxi didn't care: "It's okay! Anyway, there is monitoring, why should I worry about things I haven't done?"

Lin Yihua is really convinced by her lady, it seems that she needs to popularize science: "Luo Xi, all the surveillance cameras are broken today, so let's say! The chances of us becoming criminal suspects are very high, so Ah! Before long, we may visit the police station as guests!"

Hearing Lin Yihua's words, Shi Luoxi was stunned: "How could that be, how could there be no monitoring there?"

Lin Yihua returned again: "It's not that it didn't exist, but it was destroyed by human beings."

Shi Luoxi: "Ah! Then, will we go to jail then?"

Lin Yihua smiled: "Maybe! After all, most of the evidence points to us, so my Luo Xi is big, so be careful when saving people in the future! Otherwise, be careful and set yourself up."

Right now, Shi Luoxi is having a headache!How can this be done.

In the midst of entanglement, Lin Yihua sent Shi Luoxi back, but Si Jingchen was at home.

Fortunately, Lin Yihua was efficient in handling affairs. During this period, he did not forget to inform Ammanman that they could not go to the appointment.

After arriving home, Shi Luoxi quickly ran to Si Jingchen, and Si Jingchen hugged her.

He asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Shi Luoxi smiled awkwardly: "Well, uh, brother, I, I might go to jail."

For such a cute little girl, tell me, can you make people want to eat it?
Si Jingchen blocked her mouth: "I really want to eat my little girl, what should I do?"

Shi Luoxi raised her head: "Ah? Why did you eat me?"

Si Jingchen had a doting look on his face: "Because our Xi'er looks so delicious!"

Shi Luoxi was generous, and stretched out his hand to Si Jingchen's mouth: "Then brother, eat!"

Seeing Xiao Nizi's reaction, Si Jingchen really wanted to hide her: "Little idiot, why did you come back so soon?"

Shi Luoxi stuck out her tongue, intending to tell his brother what she had just experienced, since she was about to go to jail anyway.

Shi Luoxi began to describe what she had just experienced: "Um, on the way to find Manman just now, I, we met Yu Xiner, and then, she was injured."

Si Jingchen nodded.

Shi Luoxi continued: "Seeing that she was bleeding a lot, we sent her to the hospital, and after that, there will be no more."

(End of this chapter)

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