Chapter 374
Yu Changshan squeezed Yu's mother's hand tightly, without pity: "Don't forget, whoever can't have a baby, who can only barely have a daughter."

The two couples were now on the pole: "What? Yu Changshan, do you dislike me for not being able to give you another child?"

Yu Changshan answered very simply: "That's right."

Yu's mother smiled: "Hehe, after all these years, you finally told the truth, but now it's all right, your daughter will not be able to carry on the family line of your Yu family, your Yu family is going to be extinct.

Now there is no heir, even if you get the entire empire, it will only be short-lived, why do you have no descendants! "

Yu's mother talked more and more vigorously, without any scruples, and she kept talking about the Yu family's best descendants.

Yu Changshan finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Oh, who said that you Liu Ling can't give birth, it doesn't mean I can't."

When Yu's mother heard this, she broke out in a cold sweat: "Yu Changshan, are you looking for mistress?"

Yu Changshan: "Yes, as a descendant of the Yu family, I should make the Yu family prosperous."

Yu's mother didn't expect her husband to be so straightforward. Although she always knew that he played a lot outside, she always felt that her husband was a man of measure. She didn't expect it!

It turned out that my husband had always had such a heart.

After Yu Changshan finished speaking, he was about to leave, but was stopped by Yu's mother: "Yu Changshan, stop for me, if you dare to step out of this door today, you will never let my Liu family stand by your side in the future."

These words can really anger Yu Changshan. If he wants to be the master of the empire, he must have a strong backer, and funds are indispensable.

Yu Xin'er, who had woken up early, couldn't bear it any longer. She just woke up and shouted loudly: "Enough of you, stop for me."

Hearing her daughter's voice, Yu Changshan and Yu's mother stopped fighting and turned to look at her daughter.

Looking at the haggard Yu Xiner, as a mother, Yu's mother was uncomfortable, she sat beside Yu Xiner uncomfortable.

Holding Yu Xiner's little hand: "My Xiner! From now on, hey!"

After all, Yu's mother still couldn't tell Yu Xiner about her illness. She couldn't tell her daughter in person, saying that daughter, you can't be a mother in the future because your uterus has been removed. No mother can say it Bar!
Yu Changshan was standing beside Yu Xiner's hospital bed, his complexion was extremely bad, even though he had just told his wife that he would have another child.

But he knows better than anyone else that if he wants to get the entire empire, he must first of all not have any excuses to speak out about.

If he really had an illegitimate child outside, it would definitely affect his future future.

But now something like this happened to his only daughter, what would he have to do? The Yu family was sparsely populated, and now the only daughter had no children.

Yu Xin'er didn't have as many thoughts as her parents, she just wasn't reconciled, why did she have to suffer this.

Especially after she was bullied and happened to be met by Shi Luoxi, how could she continue.

Thinking of this, she didn't want to make things easier for Shi Luoxi.

She looked at her parents, and said extremely unhappy: "You two get it, I am the one without a uterus, not you."

Yu Changshan looked at this daughter who was more deadly than himself: "Xin'er, do you know?"

Yu Xiner nodded: "I heard all of your quarrel just now, I will not be able to have children in the future."

Mother Yu hugged her daughter in her arms distressedly.

As a father, Yu Changshan thought of it: "By the way, Xin'er, how could such a thing happen, do you know who did it?"

(End of this chapter)

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