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Chapter 390 Doubt

Chapter 390 Doubt
Oh, no, it should be said that he is also busy.

Because of the arrival of June, the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer. As a prospective college entrance examination candidate, Shi Luoxi is nervously reviewing.

And the college entrance examination was coming soon, so Si Jingchen didn't let Shi Luoxi go to school anymore, but tutored his little girl by himself.

This is why it is said that Si Jingchen's June is leisurely. As the head of a large consortium, he often skips work this month, and most of the things are handled by special assistant Wei Feng.

And the reason he gave for skipping work is that I want to accompany my daughter-in-law through the first important time in her life, so he is busy again.

Indeed, the college entrance examination is indeed an important moment in life for most students.

This is a choice of path, and most children necessarily need this path to choose.

Only if you choose the one that suits you, the next road will be easy to walk, and you will walk this road with an attitude of enjoyment.

It was another busy day of studying. During dinner, Shi Luoxi said to her brother, "Brother, what should I do? I'm getting more and more nervous."

As Luo Xi's teacher at the moment, Si Jingchen replied like this: "Xi'er, do you want your brother to comfort you? Of course, no matter what you think, I won't comfort you. If I comfort you, you don't have to be nervous. That would be too fake.

But Xi'er, what I want you to know is that the reason you are nervous is because you care, so you are nervous; because you want to do your best, so you are nervous.

Xi'er doesn't need to affect her emotions because of this nervousness, let alone feel anxious.

No matter what the result is, enjoy the process now, I'm talking, isn't there still a brother and me?

Even if the result is not ideal, when the time comes, which school Xi'er wants to go to, my brother can also figure it out. "

After Si Jingchen said this, Shi Luoxi calmed down, as if just like what his brother said, the reason why he was nervous was actually because he cared too much.

However, this time her brother refreshed her understanding of him. She never thought that her brother would talk about how to get through the back door in such a serious manner.

Shi Luoxi smirked: "Brother, do you want me to go through the back door?"

Si Jingchen nodded: "Is it not possible?"

Shi Luoxi gave her brother a look directly: "Brother, you are seriously spoiling the atmosphere. If everyone thinks this way, what's the point of the college entrance examination?"

Si Jingchen was amused by his little girl's serious expression and tone: "That's because I know my Xi'er is not needed at all."

Well, Shi Luoxi was really convinced by this sentence.

But afterwards, Luo Xi asked with some doubts: "Brother, I seem to have heard from the housekeeper that you didn't study in China!"

Si Jingchen didn't deny it: "Well, Xi'er also went to the high school my brother attended before."

His family, Xi'er, also studied at his alma mater for one semester, which was the half year they were in England.

Shi Luoxi nodded, expressing understanding: "But brother, are you sure that the studies you study abroad can be the same as those in China?"

In particular, her brother actually gave her a review in person, not because she doubted her brother's ability, but because she had personally experienced these two different educations.

It can be said that these are two almost different teachings, and the things taught are also very different.

Faced with Xiao Nizi's questioning, Si Da's reaction was not good.

Si Jingchen's expression was slightly sad: "Xi'er is suspecting that brother will mislead you?"

Oh my god, Shi Luoxi didn't expect her brother to say it so bluntly: "Ahaha, of course not! Xi'er believes in my elder brother the most, and my elder brother is a hundred times stronger than our teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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