good sunset view

Chapter 392 1 Road Follow

Chapter 392 Follow all the way

Tian Jingxuan said enthusiastically: "Wow, that's great. I also want to visit the night market in country H. Although I have been to country H many times, I haven't really had time to learn about it. Director Yu probably doesn't mind us together?"

Tian Jingxuan's words obviously made Yu Changshan unhappy, because he was going to keep an appointment, but now he ran into her trouble.

And he still can't refuse, once he refuses, it is very likely that it will be exposed what he did alone during his visit to country H, which will arouse public speculation, which will inevitably lead to changes in his plan, or even failure.

But if he does not go to the appointment today, he is likely to miss important things. Their visit is only today, and they will return to China tomorrow.

After tonight, the chances of him and Moni having a private meeting will decrease, and it is impossible for Moni to stay in the empire as before.

What's more, Moni said that there is a very important matter this time, and he must go there.

After some mental struggle, Yu Changshan finally decided to take Tian Jingxuan with him, and then he could find any reason to dismiss her.

Yu Changshan smiled with a fake face: "Okay, then let's go together!"

Tian Jingxuan made a happy face: "Great, I knew that Director Yu is the best, so I will follow Director Yu tonight."

Yu Changshan nodded, this time he drove the car himself.

Tian Jingxuan, who was sitting in the co-driver, smiled and asked, "Director Yu, where are we going?"

Yu Changshan didn't hide it this time: "Oh, didn't I receive an invitation from Mr. Mo today, knowing that I also love tea, and he is a person who has a lot of research on tea ceremony."

Tian Jingxuan seemed very interested: "Wow, that's great, tea is a culture worth learning from."

Yu Changshan nodded, he didn't expect young people like Tian Jingxuan to be interested in tea ceremony.

The journey was not very fast, and it took them about two hours to reach Moni's residence.

The reason why it took so long was because Yu Changshan kept taking detours during the process, in order not to let Tian Jingxuan remember the way to Moni's house.

When they finally arrived, Moni greeted them warmly at the door.

Obviously, Moni's performance is enough to show that he knew that Tian Jingxuan would come with him, indicating that Yu Changshan had already informed Moni on the way here.

Money is very friendly: "Miss Tian welcomes you, you are beautiful."

Tian Jingxuan was a little flattered: "Mr. Mo is too good-for-nothing."

Moni shook his head, laughed loudly and said, "It's not bad that Tian's daughter is so modest."

In a word, it shows that Moni knows her identity.

Tian Jingxuan smiled.

In Moni's warm hospitality, they began to talk, of course, almost talking about tea culture.

About an hour later, Tian Jingxuan couldn't help but drank too much tea: "Sorry, excuse me."

The servant guides her, in fact, it is more of a guide than a supervisor. Moni's manor is not simple.

As soon as Tian Jingxuan left, Yu Changshan asked, "Why don't you wait a while and give her something?"

Moni objected: "Brother Changshan, as far as I know, her fiancé is from the Qi family!"

Yu Changshan nodded.

Money said again: "If we attack her, we will definitely show our feet."

Yu Changshan was also anxious: "That can't go on like this forever!"

Moni smiled and said, "That's easy, get her away later."

Yu Changshan was quite in favor of Moni's arrangement.

The two reached a consensus that they were waiting for Tian Jingxuan to come back, and then they were looking for excuses for her to focus on other things temporarily.

While the two were waiting, the servant following Tian Jingxuan suddenly ran over in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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