good sunset view

Chapter 399 Angry Wife

Chapter 399 Angry Wife
After knowing her illness, she didn't feel that kind of discomfort, nor did she feel disgusted.

In Tian Jingxuan's view, old age, sickness and death are nothing but normal, not to mention that she has been stealing her life for the past ten years.

As a person who should have passed away 14 years ago, she is lucky enough to live for so many years.

After knowing Tian Jingxuan's condition, Shi Luoxi has been feeling uncomfortable. She didn't want to talk, didn't want to express anything, so she just quietly accompanied her sister Xuan.

Once in a quiet ward, the silence was once again broken by the ringing of the mobile phone.

This time the call was from Shi Luoxi. When they heard the ringtone, everyone tacitly knew who the call would be.

Shi Luoxi picked up the phone.

A voice quickly came from the phone: "Xi'er, are you sure you'll be back in a while? Tell brother, is something wrong?"

Based on how much Si Jingchen loves Shi Luoxi, he can clearly understand his little girl's thoughts.

The last time he hung up the phone, he felt that something was wrong, but he chose to believe it, but he didn't expect to wait for so long.

Finally, worried about what might happen, he checked the location.

Shi Luoxi knew that her brother was angry, so she didn't dare to speak.

Just then, her brother said again: "You are in the hospital now, aren't you?"

Shi Luoxi was surprised, and asked hesitantly: "Brother, how did you know?"

In her shock, the door of the ward was pushed open again.

When Si Jingchen walked into the ward, he saw his little girl at a glance. Fortunately, she was intact, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he turned his eyes to the hospital bed again, what he saw was a pale, bloodless Sister Xuan.

Moving his eyes again, he saw Tian Muhe with tears in the corner of his eyes.

Si Jingchen caught these sensitively, and asked, "Sister Xuan, you?"

Tian Jingxuan smiled: "Take Xixi back quickly! It's so late, she hasn't had dinner yet."

Si Jingchen took his little girl by the hand, he knew that there were some things that he didn't need to force to ask: "Well, then I'll take Xi'er back to have dinner first, and Sister Xuan has a good rest."

Shi Luoxi who was led away like this: "No, I want to stay and take care of Sister Xuan."

Tian Jingxuan took Shi Luoxi's heart.

Tian Muhe returned: "Xixi, don't worry, I'm here with my sister, go back and eat!"

In the end, Luo Xi was forcibly taken out of the ward by Si Jingchen.

Along the way, Shi Luoxi often complained about Si Jingchen, which was very similar to a normal young couple quarreling, but Shi Luoxi and the others were talking about it all by themselves.

This was the first time Luo Xi dared to blame her brother so much.

When she got home, Shi Luoxi finally stopped, but it didn't end.

After the car stopped, Si Jingchen said softly, "Xi'er got off the car."

Shi Luoxi acted as if she didn't hear it, she didn't even look at her brother.

How could Si Jingchen not know that the girl was angry with him, expressing her dissatisfaction.

But he was not angry, walked to the other side, opened the car door, and picked up the person in the car.

When Shi Luoxi opened her mouth, Si Jingchen sealed her mouth as if she knew it long ago, and made his girl obediently obey her.

He directly carried the man to the dining table, picked up the bowl, picked up Shi Luoxi's favorite dish, and handed it to Shi Luoxi's mouth.

Knowing that the little girl is angry, she will not eat easily: "Xi'er, I know you are angry with your brother, but why don't we eat the food first, and then get angry?"

Shi Luoxi ignored him at all.

Si Jingchen went on to say: "Xi'er, are you sure you don't want to eat? Then I'll call my elder brother to say that Sister Xuan is in the hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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