good sunset view

Chapter 401 One is inherently dead

Chapter 401

Si Jingchen comforted, "It will get better."

In fact, how could they not understand that even though the current medical science is developing, for patients with this advanced cancer, the possibility of being cured is very slim.

Shi Luoxi didn't feel well when the youthful madness turned into what it is now.

Early the next morning, Shi Luoxi clamored to visit Tian Jingxuan.

But was told: "Xi'er, Sister Xuan was not hospitalized, she was discharged last night."

Hearing her brother's words, Shi Luoxi only felt that her brother was lying to her. How could it be possible? Sister Xuan was so seriously ill, how could she not be hospitalized!
In fact, Si Jingchen didn't lie to her, and time went back to last night.

After Shi Luoxi and the others left, Tian Jingxuan's parents rushed to the hospital not long after. There is no doubt that Tian Muhe notified the parents.

He knew that under normal circumstances, what patients need most at this time is the company of their families, so he notified their parents.

When the parents arrived, Tian's mother was already crying. She never thought that her young daughter would suffer from such a disease.

Mother Tian entered the ward and hugged Tian Jingxuan directly: "My baby, is there anything uncomfortable?"

Tian Jingxuan shook her head, looking at her parents, she was very regretful, as a daughter, it seemed that she could not always be with her parents, and could not fulfill the filial piety of a daughter.

Looking at her parents who were sad for her, Tian Jingxuan turned around and started to comfort them.

Tian Jingxuan said with a smile: "Mom and Dad, don't feel sorry for Xuanxuan, people are mortal, it just depends on how they leave, some people may be long, while others are short.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal things. My daughter is just going to leave in this way due to illness, and then go to another place. "

Tian's father and Tian's mother looked at such an optimistic daughter, and their tears became more turbulent. Their daughter was just too optimistic, seeing through life and death too much.

This is what makes them uncomfortable. As parents, how would they want a white-haired person to send a black-haired person, even though their daughter is still alive now.

But how could they not understand!It's just a matter of time before the daughter leaves, maybe a month later, maybe half a year, maybe a few years later!
But counting it this way, this kind of time is really too little, too little.

Then Tian Jingxuan said: "Mom and Dad, let's go home!"

Hearing Tian Jingxuan's words, the parents were stunned.

Father Tian then said in a stern voice: "If you are sick, you will be hospitalized obediently. Dad will not allow you to leave the hospital."

Tian Jingxuan knew that her parents would react like this, but she still wanted to insist on herself: "Mom and Dad, I want to use the remaining days to do more meaningful things. I just won't be hospitalized, and I won't give up treatment. of."

Tian's father and Tian's mother couldn't understand why their daughter would think so!

Tian Jingxuan knew that it would not be easy to convince her parents.

Tian Jingxuan spoke again: "Mom and Dad, I owe too many things in my life, I owe Keer, you, and Zibai.

For so long, I have not been able to formally agree to marry Zibai. I have dragged him down. I really owe him too much, too much. "

Maybe that's what it's like to love someone!Because of love, even at such a moment, what I think of is still the other person.

Tian Jingxuan tried her best to convince her parents that she wanted to use her remaining days to do what she thought was meaningful.

In the end, the parents couldn't feel sorry for her, so they could only reluctantly agree, and of course they didn't agree so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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