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Chapter 411 1 is like a dream

Chapter 411 Everything is like a dream
Amman cast a look of admiration.

The three continued to chat about new topics until Tian Muhe, who hadn't spoken yet, said, "Sister, it's time, let's go back and take the medicine!"

Tian Jingxuan who received the signal: "Yes."

A little apologetic: "Then Xixi and Manman, I will go back first."

Shi Luoxi nodded hastily, it is important to take medicine: "Okay, sister Xuan go to bed early."

After Tian Jingxuan left, only An Manman and her were left, and An Manman pretended to check the time: "It's getting late for Xixi, how about doing it like this today!"

Shi Luoxi nodded, it's really getting late, her brother should start worrying about her again!

After seeing off Tian Jingxuan and An Manman, Shi Luoxi was dragged by Lin Yihua for a while before getting into Lin Yihua's car and leaving.

To Shi Luoxi's surprise, after returning to the Jingxi Pavilion, the entire Jingxi Pavilion was pitch black, and even the street lights were not turned on.

Shi Luoxi was terrified at this moment, she asked Lin Yihua who had been with her all the time: "Is the power outage in Yihua Jingxi Pavilion?"

Regarding Shi Luoxi's question, to be honest, Lin Yihua almost couldn't help laughing, what a joke, there may be a power outage today, but only Jingxi Pavilion will not.

Who said today is her young lady's birthday!But Lin Yihua held back: "Probably not! Maybe the boss and the others have rested."

When Luoxi thought about it, it seemed possible, so she believed Lin Yihua's statement.

But my heart is still very disturbed, and I slowly approach the Jingxi Pavilion, step by step, getting closer and closer.

Unfortunately, the place where Lin Yihua parked his car was a little further away today.

When she was about to arrive, Shi Luoxi noticed that her heart was beating faster and she couldn't calm down no matter what.

The door was open, she walked in slowly, the living room was so quiet, so quiet that even a needle could be heard.

Walking alone in such a large building is quite scary.

When Shi Luoxi was feeling uneasy and her heart was beating, her legs began to tremble a little.

What happened next was something she had never imagined.

In the entire Jingxi Pavilion, all the lights were turned on at once, accompanied by singing.

It's a birthday song: "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

Shi Luo Ximun stood there, looking around motionlessly, suddenly many people appeared, and every face was so familiar.

There are Sister Xuan and An Manman who just separated from her, Aunt Ya and Uncle who haven't seen for a long time, Grandpa Qi, eldest brother, etc., and brother.

All this was like a dream, Shi Luoxi rubbed her eyes, and kept saying, "This must not be real, I must be dreaming."

While he was talking to himself, she was led in front of the cake, and a light-like voice sounded in his ear: "Xi'er makes a wish."

That's right, this voice was very familiar, it belonged to my brother, under the instigation of this voice, Shi Luoxi made a wish.

After making the wish, Shi Luoxi muttered again: "No, this must not be real, I must have fallen asleep, this must be a dream, yes, it is a dream."

Si Jingchen caught her word for word: "Xi'er, this is not a dream, it's real, have you forgotten? Today is your birthday."

Shi Luoxi: "Impossible, why is today my birthday!"

Si Jingchen answered her patiently: "Xi'er pinch brother, try to see if it's a dream."

Shi Luoxi shook her head: "Brother, you are so stupid, how would I know if it was a dream when I pinched you, it's not me who hurts like that."

After Shi Luoxi finished speaking, she was about to pinch herself, but was held by a big hand: "Brother doesn't want you to pinch yourself, be good, just pinch brother."

(End of this chapter)

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