good sunset view

Chapter 438 Applause

Chapter 438 Applause
The crowd dispersed, only to realize that, in fact, not far away, someone had been paying attention to this side all the time just now.

And that person is the president and the president's wife, and their eyes have never left.

For the little girl's counterattack, the president and the president's wife cast approving glances.

They liked this child from the bottom of their hearts, and every word she said was so true, without any falsehood.

And not afraid, facing so many people, she can calmly say those words that are well-founded, this young man is really good.

The more they think so, the more the president and the president's wife want to get closer to this girl.

No, seeing the little girl went to the exhibits, the president and the president's wife also walked over.

Shi Luoxi looked at each exhibit carefully, and each one seemed to be similar, but in fact there was a big gap between them.

Seeing that the girl was watching carefully, the president couldn't help asking: "Does the girl like these paintings?"

Tian Jingxuan and Qi Zibai, who came over suddenly, happened to hear it.

Qi Zibai proudly returned for Shi Luoxi: "Uncle, you may not know that Xixi's paintings are great, it can be said that they can be compared with those great painters.

The painting "Home" that was auctioned for a sky-high price last time was written by Xixi. "

What Qi Zibai said made people's eyes shine, and everyone looked at Shi Luoxi with admiration even more.

The president replied: "I have seen that painting, it is very spiritual, and it depicts the happiness of family. From a small point of view, that pair of paintings represents everyone's love for their own family. To a large point of view, that Doesn’t this painting just express everyone’s love for the country?”

Shi Luoxi felt very embarrassed when Mr. President said that. She didn't even know that her painting was auctioned.

I only heard from Wei Feng before that the painting was bought by a collector, and she didn't care too much.

The president's wife said with a smile: "I didn't expect Xixi to be so powerful. I don't know if Xixi is interested in this project. Use paintings to help those children in need."

Shi Luoxi was still a little overwhelmed by the invitation from the president's wife, but it would be great if her paintings could help those children in need.

Shi Luoxi returned: "Is it really possible?"

The president laughed loudly and said, "Of course, we believe that you absolutely have such ability."

The people around were stunned for a moment, and then said: "Oh my God, she is the first person in this project to be invited by the president and the president's wife. I'm so envious!"

Some people replied: "It's also because of his ability. The painting "Family" is really worth seeing."

Some people began to suggest: "I wonder if I can witness the painting of the sunset with my own eyes?"

Now that we know that she is the painter of "Family", it is not surprising to know that her name is Xiyang.

Tian Jingxuan frowned, and she immediately said: "How is this possible? Huahua has such high requirements on the environment. On such an occasion, coupled with the problem of time, I'm afraid this..."

Some people on the side fanned the flames and said: "Since you are a great painter, how can you resist the environment? We have a lot of time to witness the creation of a giant painting."

Just as the president was about to say something, Luoxi was the first to say, "Well, then I'll give it a try."

Soon the tools are ready for her.

Shi Luoxi generally had a direction. She met a child when she was going to the bathroom.

He was crying and he could see the child was very sad.

She asked, and the child said that it was because his father didn't want his mother, and he was forced to bring him to today's banquet by his father.

(End of this chapter)

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