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Chapter 448 Full of Doubts

Chapter 448 Full of Doubts
Shi Luoxi shook her head vigorously: "Stop talking, I don't want to know, I really don't want to know."

Si Jingchen replied: "Brother Xi'er doesn't force you, but he doesn't want to hide anything from you either.

My brother said that last time was the first time my brother lied to you, but it will also be the last time.

Brother doesn't want to deprive you of the right to know who your own parents are, and Xi'er should also know.

Brother doesn't want you to be hurt, but now, Xi'er, you know that your life experience is not a bad thing. "

Shi Luoxi became very quiet for a moment, and she began to listen carefully to what her brother said.

Si Jingchen also mentioned again: "The big reason why sister Xuan arranged this banquet like this is because you are Ke'er, Xi'er.

And Kerr is the daughter of the president and the president's wife, which undoubtedly means that you are the daughter of the president and the president's wife. "

Shi Luoxi didn't know how to accept such a background.

Shi Luoxi resolutely refused: "I'm not, I'm really just an orphan, brother, you must have made a mistake.

How could I be Yu Keer?It is even less likely to be the daughter of the president and his wife.This is impossible!I'm really just a common man, that's all. "

Si Jingchen replied firmly: "No, you are, Xi'er, you are Yu Ke'er, brother's follower.

Brother can allow you to forget that you are his follower, but you are absolutely not allowed to deny it. "That's right, Si Jingchen is so domineering and cannot be refused.

Shi Luoxi really couldn't accept this sudden life experience.

She used to imagine what her parents would look like and what they did.

But she never thought that they would be the president and the president's wife. If they were ordinary people, even if their lives were bad and imperfect, she would accept them.

But tell her now that her parents are the president and the president's wife, whoever can accept it.

Shi Luoxi asked after a long time: "If they are really my parents, then why did they not want me in the first place?"

Her rationality began to recover bit by bit. Even though she couldn't accept that this was true, she still chose to face it rationally for the time being.

Si Jingchen replied: "Uncle Yu and the others never wanted you."

Shi Luoxi made an OK gesture: "Okay, since they are said to be my parents, does brother have any evidence to prove it?"

She didn't understand, she didn't understand why she had to be regarded as someone else's shadow.

Si Jingchen opened his mouth and replied: "Xi'er, if you want, I can arrange for someone to do a DNA test for you and Uncle Yu. I know, it's useless for me to say more. My Xi'er will only speak with facts." believe."

Regarding this point, Si Jingchen still knows Shi Luoxi quite well.

Shi Luoxi frowned, doing a DNA test?Do you really want to do this?

Soon she asked another question: "Then do they know that I am their daughter?"

Because she recalled these encounters with the president's wife, they didn't seem to know herself.

If they knew that she was their daughter, their behavior would not be like the two meetings!
Si Jingchen stroked his little girl's head with a full smile, his little girl was really smart.

Si Jingchen asked back, "What does Xi'er think?"

Shi Luoxi said slightly: "They don't know that I'm their daughter, do they?"

Si Jingchen: "Well, my silly girl is really smart. Uncle Yu and Aunt Jingyuan really don't know that Xi'er is Ke'er, their daughter."

(End of this chapter)

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