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Chapter 450 You Light Up My Whole World

Chapter 450 You Light Up My Whole World
Shi Luoxi didn't expect such an answer, she was still puzzled: "The fire killed Yu Ke'er?"

This is what she wants to know the most, if so, then why did she say that she is Yu Ke'er!Shouldn't Yu Ke'er have passed away?

Si Jingchen explained patiently: "As the future successor of the empire, Ke'er has always been taken care of by special people around her.

The servant who took care of Keer was screened through layers. Before that servant became Keer's personal servant, she was an important diplomatic personnel of our country and was trained by the Imperial Mystery School.

She was sensitive, had a premonition that something would happen that day, and she made some preparations.

Even before that fire came, she didn't flee alone, but took care of those she needed to take care of.

When the fire first came, she quickly moved Ke'er, who was still sleeping, but because she was walking through a secret passage, Ke'er inevitably inhaled thick smoke during the process.

After the servant rescued Ke'er, she found that Ke'er's breath was weak.

Facing that fire, she knew it was not easy.So she would rather be timid, and worry that the president and the president's wife would blame her for not taking good care of Ke'er.

After rescuing Ke'er, she only thought of curing Ke'er.

But it is a pity that Ke'er was still too young back then, and many parts were damaged to varying degrees after inhaling such strong smoke.

After a long period of treatment, the servant finally decided to send Ke'er to an orphanage.She understood that it would be safest to send Keer there first. "

After hearing what Si Jingchen said, Shi Luoxi found it incredible that in just one thought, Sister Xuan and that Ke'er were almost buried in that fire.

Although Shi Luoxi felt very uncomfortable after hearing this, she still asked rationally: "How did brother know this?"

Si Jingchen choked back with sobs: "That day was Ke'er's birthday, and I made an appointment with Sister Xuan, Zibai, to give Ke'er a surprise, and I was such a horrible follower back then.

But she is very lovable. Every year on her birthday, everyone will try to surprise her and make her happy.

But I hate myself that day, if I had been with Keer that day, I wouldn't have been separated from her for so many years.

When I went to see Ke’er that day, I held a lot of “snow” in my hand. It was a wish Ke’er made on her last birthday. She always hoped that her birthday would be filled with snowflakes. "

When Si Jingchen said these things, he sometimes laughed, but he couldn't hide the tears in the corners of his eyes.

Hearing this, Shi Luoxi's heart also ached.

Si Jingchen continued: "Originally after I got the snow, I happily went to look for Ke'er, but when I saw the burning fire in front of me..." He choked up when he said this.

"I was stopped by Brother Zibai, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, even approaching the place we were standing at that time..."

Shi Luoxi could feel his brother's despair at that time, he must have been extremely uncomfortable at that time!
After hearing this, Shi Luoxi was so choked up that she couldn't speak.

But Si Jingchen's answer continued: "Since then, I left the empire and didn't return to China until three years ago. On the day I returned to China, I met you, Xi'er.

Xi'er, do you know, the moment I saw you, my whole world seemed to brighten up, and I seemed to feel as if what I had been missing and looking for was you.

I made a decisive decision, I want to bring you by my side all the time.

Until last year, when Xi'er left the North City and returned to the South City, a person named Du Qiuxia appeared, and she appeared in the orphanage where Xi'er lived when she was a child.

At that time, there was also a powerful force looking for this person named Du Qiuxia. "

(End of this chapter)

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