good sunset view

Chapter 458 The sincerity of the apology

Chapter 458 The sincerity of the apology

Shi Luoxi smiled and said, "Then I'll trouble Dr. Qin."

Qin Xiu nodded slightly.

After that, Si Jingchen took his little girl back to their main house, and their problems were all solved.

The little girl received treatment, which meant that she would no longer think about leaving herself.

It has to be said that Si Jingchen is really a scheming boy. He can always easily wrap his little girl tightly and hold him firmly in the palm of his hand.

At night, Luo Xi couldn't help but yawn after staying at home all day.

Si Jingchen, who had just come out of the study, walked towards her: "Is Xi'er still used to living here?"

Shi Luoxi glanced at the layout of the entire suite, isn't it the same as before?If there's anything you're not used to, it's just a change of location.

It is equivalent to moving the location of the house, but the configuration inside has not changed at all!
Shi Luoxi looked at her brother, and she replied mischievously: "As long as there is a brother, it doesn't matter where you live." In other words, wherever there is a brother is her home.

Hearing the little girl's words against her will, Si Jingchen only thought that the little girl might have touched honey with her small mouth after eating something she made.

After saying this, Shi Luoxi took the opportunity to say, "Brother, I seem to be hungry again."

She is really addicted to the food made by her brother. The food made by him is so delicious that she wants to eat it again now!

Although I know that the possibility of being able to eat it again is very small, after all, my brother is also a big boss!People are fine, what to cook.

For my brother, isn't that a waste of time?

After all, to be more powerful, when he is the fastest, he can earn hundreds of millions in a minute!

Si Jingchen touched his little girl's head, and his voice sounded above Shi Luoxi's head: "Why don't we have a fire at our house tonight, Xi'er can go out to eat by himself!"

Hearing this, Shi Luoxi raised her head and looked at her brother in disbelief. She really couldn't believe it was what her brother said.

This would have been impossible in the past. With my brother's domineering attitude, if you want to go out to eat something, you don't even need to think about it. It's simply impossible.

Just when Shi Luoxi was about to open his mouth to ask something, the doorbell rang.

Si Jingchen looked very leisurely: "Xi'er, go and open the door!"

Shi Luoxi was very obedient: "Oh."

Walking to the door, she opened the door without even thinking about it. Anyway, her brother told her to open it. If she encounters bad guys, it's her brother's fault.

The moment the door opened, a pure voice came: "Xixi, let's go."

Shi Luoxi saw the person in front of her clearly, wasn't this the person who lied to her last night?

Can she say she's unhappy?Who told him to help his brother lie to her last night, hum!The best way to deal with this kind of person is to ignore him.

But the truth is:

Tian Muhe said with a smile: "Xixi heard that you haven't had dinner yet, and it just so happens that I haven't eaten much either.

I lied to you last night, so I came here to apologize to you today. "

Speaking of this, Luoxi became interested: "Oh! Then how does Brother Mu He want to apologize, and what is sincerity?"

Tian Muhe replied confidently: "As an apology, I will take you to the night food street later, is this considered sincerity?"

He has known for a long time that this girl likes to eat, so he can guarantee that talking about this place will definitely satisfy her.

Sure enough, when she just said it, Shi Luoxi said, "Okay! Brother Mu He has to wait for me for a while, and I'll go change." After speaking, the door slammed shut again.

When the door was closed, Luo Xi directly passed someone, entered her bedroom, and randomly picked out a set of comfortable clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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