Chapter 464
the next day.

Si Jingchen, who had a rest at the hotel for the night, recalled the dinner of yesterday, and he has almost mastered the general things.

Qi Zibai rang his doorbell very early: "Chen, let's talk."

After Si Jingchen opened the door, he walked directly to the bathroom, and came out again after a while.

Qi Zibai was the first to speak: "Chen, you should have understood the situation last night by now!"

Si Jingchen just nodded, he was really uncomfortable with what they did last night.

Qi Zibai said again: "That fake Yu Ke'er has already arrived in the empire, Chen should know better than me what they will do next."

Si Jingchen said: "So in order to make Xi'er and I separate, you did this? Do you know, what is the result of doing this? What will Xi'er think? Xi'er will be sad, sad, I You can even imagine her crying."

How could Qi Zibai not think of what Si Jingchen asked?
Qi Zibai said: "Chen's long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, if we don't do this now, the chances of us losing Xixi will be greatly increased.

You know better than me, once you let those people know that the real Yu Keer is still alive, even by our side.

Do you think those people can't do it?We can and are capable of protecting Xixi, but who can guarantee that no accidents will happen?

Now it's just making Xixi sad for a short time, as long as you divert everyone's attention, you can return to Xixi immediately. "

Si Jingchen asked directly: "So what does Big Brother mean, that I should not meet Xi'er during this time? Or even contact?"

Qi Zibai nodded, it was a last resort for them to do this.

Si Jingchen picked up the coat that was on the chair and walked out.

Looking at Si Jingchen's leaving back, Qi Zibai knew that Si Jingchen had agreed to what they had arranged.

When Si Jingchen walked to the hotel lobby, Yao Shiyin happened to be there.

Si Jingchen walked past her directly, because in his eyes, very few people could enter.

Just as Si Jingchen left the hotel, Yao Shiyin followed suit.

This time was different, many reporters came: "Miss Yao, may I ask that you and President Si entered the hotel around last night, and now they have left the hotel one after another.

Is this as rumored at the important banquet not long ago that Ms. Yao and President Si are now boyfriend and girlfriend? "

Hearing these questions from the reporter, Yao Shiyin said inwardly, the question was very kind: "Thank you for your concern for me.

Thank you all for your concern about me and Chen.

Last night we did attend a friend's party together, because we all drank some wine, so we went to the hotel to rest temporarily. "

Yao Shiyin did not directly answer the reporter's question, but her answer allowed the reporter to get what they wanted.

After Yao Shiyin was picked up by her manager, she also smiled with satisfaction.

Since Mr. Si didn't deny it last night, Mr. Si probably wouldn't care if she said that!

Sure enough, after the reporters surrounded him in the morning, news broke out immediately.

The headline of the news is so eye-catching: my country's international star Yao Shiyin suspected of admitting her love affair with Si Jingchen, chairman of the Si Group.

Such news undoubtedly caused a stir in the entire empire. After all, both of them were public figures, and they were both handsome men and beautiful women.

Yao Shiyin is a well-known celebrity, and Si Jingchen is a successful young entrepreneur. When the two get together, it will naturally cause a lot of trouble.

Most people are undoubtedly surprised when they see such news.

(End of this chapter)

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