good sunset view

Chapter 467 Waiting for the person to wait

Chapter 467 Waiting for the person to wait

I don't know if it was yesterday or the day before yesterday, but she found that she couldn't remember exactly which day it was.

It seemed that she hadn't seen that person for a few days, and it was really funny to see him again in such a way.

Qin Xiu replied without saying anything, "Maybe it's because the young master is too busy, maybe he still doesn't know about this news, Miss don't need to think about it.

We can all see the young master's heart for the young lady. "

After hearing what they said, Shi Luoxi didn't feel as uncomfortable as before, and now she is turning around a little bit.

Maybe she believed it, and believed that her brother was busy, so he didn't go home, he didn't call her, and he didn't write her a letter.

Shi Luoxi suddenly smiled foolishly and said, "Yes, brother is probably too busy, so I'll just wait for brother to come home!"

Just like what Tian Muhe said, those news are not necessarily true, don't most of the current entertainment journalists just like to catch the wind and catch the shadows?

Hearing what the little girl said, Qin Xiu and Tian Muhe's hearts dropped by half, although they both understood the reason behind this news.

But in front of the little girl, they really couldn't say anything, and now they could only do what Si Jingchen told them to do.

During the time when he was not with his little girl, they must take good care of him.

Regarding this point, there is no doubt that the two will naturally take good care of this person.

After receiving their comfort, Shi Luoxi felt much better, and she made up her mind to wait for her brother to come home.

From that moment on, she began to wait for her brother to come home, but a day later, her brother still did not come home, nor did he make a phone call.

Shi Luoxi refrained from making phone calls to ask questions, she thought she would definitely be able to wait until her brother came home.

Her brother is so good, he won't leave him alone!
While waiting, the next day came, and it was another beautiful morning.

Shi Luoxi was still waiting for the brother in her heart to come home. She woke up very early every day, and the first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to look around.

See if the person she misses has returned home.

However, time passed day by day, and that person seemed to have disappeared since the news last time.

No, to be precise, it was as if Luo Xi's world had disappeared from her time, without a trace.

On the fifth day of waiting, Shi Luoxi's expectations began to gradually change, from the initial hope, to anticipation, and now to the cold, cold heart.

In the past few days, she has never found the person she was waiting for. He has never come back since he went out to work that morning.

They seem to be separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, and there is no trace of contact, not even a phone call or a message.

Such a situation, such a feeling, was too bad for Shi Luoxi.

It's been five days, and it's been exactly five days since his scandal appeared. During these five days, he didn't go home.

He also didn't give any explanation for what the news said. In this way, it is enough to think that he is tacitly acquiescing to his relationship with some star Yao.

In the past few days, Shi Luoxi has become thinner, a lot thinner, her appetite has also decreased greatly, and her body has also shown a downward trend.

This day was Qin Xiu's routine inspection of her: "Miss, did you feel any discomfort after taking the medicine?"

Shi Luoxi shook her head, there was nothing wrong with it, at this moment, she didn't know why she was receiving treatment, and what was the significance of the treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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