good sunset view

Chapter 480 Seeing That Person

Chapter 480 Seeing That Person

Shi Luoxi pointed to the school bus that was driving towards them, and several roommates looked at it together.

Under Shi Luoxi's guidance, they successfully boarded the campus bus, and they arrived at the auditorium where the freshman opening ceremony was held not long after.

When they arrived, it was already late, and all the freshmen were basically in place, and sat down according to the arranged seats.

The good thing is that Shi Luoxi's class happened to be placed in the first row, although it is not to be said whether such a position was deliberately arranged.

But one thing is certain is that they can clearly see the whole process of the opening ceremony.

Not long after they sat down, the host took his place.

At the beginning, there were a lot of introductions by the host, followed by introductions to the leaders and guests who participated in the opening ceremony at this time.

From when Shi Luoxi and the others sat down, before she had time to look at the rostrum, the opening ceremony began.

Afterwards, she listened carefully to the host's introduction, until when the host introduced the special guests, Shi Luoxi raised her head sharply.

She heard a very familiar name just now, so she looked directly at the rostrum, and she was stunned.

She never thought that there would be someone she knew well on the rostrum. She stared at him for a long time, but the people on the stage didn't seem to see her, and they didn't know that there was such a person as her. The presence.

At this moment, her heart is so complicated. The person he has been waiting for for so long will meet again on such an occasion and at such a time.

That person is still so handsome, no matter where he is, he will definitely be the focus of the audience.

When Shi Luoxi was deep in thought, Yu Keer who was sitting next to her asked with a smile, "Xixi, what is the origin of this guest introduced by the host just now!

How do you feel that he is very powerful. "

After hearing the question, Shi Luoxi came back to her senses, and looked at Yu Ke'er with a very curious and innocent look.

Shi Luoxi really couldn't bear to refuse to answer her question, so she cleared up her mood.

She smiled and said to Yu Keer: "Well, he is a young entrepreneur in our country. Not only is he handsome, but he is also one of the best in the business world. It is said that he is so powerful that he can call the wind and rain."

I don't know why, when Shi Luoxi was introducing these things, she felt inexplicably proud and proud, so she kept saying, yes, it belongs to my family, of course it's amazing!
But then she immediately realized that that person no longer belonged to her, no matter how good or powerful he was, he had nothing to do with Luo Xi when she was.

After listening to Luo Xi's answer, Yu Ke'er made an expression of admiration: "Really? It seems that he is young and promising! He is really admirable!"

Han Qiong, who was next to them, asked jokingly, "Haha, does Ke'er like Mr. Si?"

After Han Qiong finished asking, Yu Ke'er acted coy and shy, and seemed a little embarrassed: "No, don't talk nonsense! He is so noble, how can someone like me like it."

Han Qiong thought nothing of it: "No! No matter how good a person is, he is also a human being! He also has emotions and desires, and maybe he just happens to be able to see you right! After all, everything is possible!"

What Han Qiong didn't know was that when she said that, Shi Luoxi felt so tormented and uncomfortable.

It is undeniable that she agrees with Han Qiong's statement that no matter how excellent a person is, he is also a human being, and he also has the same emotions as ordinary people.

Just like they are now, he has a new relationship, a new lover, and she will completely disappear from his life.

(End of this chapter)

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