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Chapter 488 DNA Identification

Chapter 488 DNA Identification
Shi Luoxi turned around suddenly, said with a smile: "President Si, I think we have nothing to do with each other now!

I also ask President Si not to use such methods in the future, after all, people like me don't deserve to be treated like this by President Si. "

Shi Luoxi's words deeply hurt Si Jingchen's heart. This time, he really hurt his girl.

Si Jingchen endured the pain in his heart, and tried his best to appear calm: "Xi'er, don't talk about Mr. Si, please, I'm an older brother.

You are my brother's follower. When you were young, you liked to chase after your brother every day, saying that you wanted to marry him. You can't even remember this..."

Not allowed to explain, Si Jingchen had no choice but to take out his trump card, recall the past, and talk about the past of the two of them.

When Shi Luoxi heard his words, she smiled coldly and said, "President Si, I think you are crazy about your little Qingmei! Please don't treat me as someone else, I am not anyone's substitute, I It's me, I'm just Shi Luoxi, I can't be your follower, what a fool."

Such a tough girl gave Si Jingchen a deep problem.

Si Jingchen immediately said: "I have never regarded Xi'er as someone else, as a substitute. Whether it was before or now, you Shi Luoxi will always be the one in my Si Jingchen's heart."

When Shi Luoxi heard his words, she wanted to laugh inexplicably: "President Si, if I remember correctly, your little green plum is called Yu Ke'er, right?"

Si Jingchen didn't deny it, because it was indeed Yu Ke'er: "Well, Ke'er."

When Shi Luoxi heard Si Jingchen's answer, her heart ached so much, it could even be said that it was so painful that she was close to suffocation.

But she didn't want this side of herself to be seen by the person in front of her, Luo Xi also had dignity when she was.

Shi Luoxi then said leisurely: "Well, I seem to remember that President Si said last time that your little Qingmei is still there.

But it's a coincidence that I have a roommate named Yu Ke'er, and all the conditions are in line with the Yu Ke'er in your legend.

I made a bold guess, I think my roommate should be the person you are looking for! "

When Shi Luoxi finished speaking these words, she almost used up all her remaining strength to speak them out.

Si Jingchen really felt sorry for her like this.

Si Jingchen didn't hesitate at all this time, he decisively gave her a hug.

And responded to what she said just now: "Didn't my brother say that Xi'er is my brother's follower Yu Ke'er, and Xi'er often talked about marrying her brother when she was young!"

Shi Luoxi tried to push him away, but the disparity in their strength was too great.

When she couldn't push it away, Luo Xi simply gave up, and she didn't bother to waste her energy. What's more, she wanted to be greedy for this warm embrace for the last time.

Because maybe after tonight, they will become real strangers.

Luo Xi didn't speak when Si Jingchen saw her, and carried her directly to the study room. Even when he was picking up things, he still hugged his little girl without letting go for a moment.

Si Jingchen took out a document bag from nowhere, and this time he put Shi Luoxi on the chair he usually sits in at work.

And said: "Xi'er, open it and have a look."

When Luoxi looked at the sealed document, she didn't know what was inside.

She didn't want to open it that much, she didn't do it.

Si Jingchen was not in a hurry, picked it up by himself, started to open it, and took out the documents inside.

He handed it directly to Shi Luoxi, and a few large characters immediately fell into Shi Luoxi's eyes.

It clearly says: DNA identification in large characters, of course, these words are also particularly conspicuous.

(End of this chapter)

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