Chapter 499
Han Qiong said: "We are also very confused. When we got up this morning, we saw the announcement in the class and the school's official website.

We all think it's amazing, and only our art department does not need military training. Students from other departments have already started military training today! "

Shi Luoxi was really unhappy about not having military training. Such a good opportunity to exercise herself, but was suddenly told that they were not even qualified to participate.

At this moment, Shi Luoxi already knew the reason why they didn't need military training, but she still pretended a little.

Shi Luoxi asked: "Then do you know why the school canceled the military training of our art department?"

The other three roommates shook their heads, expressing that they did not know.

Soon the long-haired roommate Liu suddenly said loudly: "Ah, I see, it is probably because of Luo Xi, think about it! Generally, couples like them who are in love with each other are most reluctant to watch each other suffer. of.

As far as I know, student Luo Xi's boyfriend has a lot of background, so it is possible to have people from one department accompany Luo Xi not to military training. "

After hearing what this roommate said, Shi Luoxi really wanted to tell her the truth loudly: I'm sorry!You guessed the wrong person, the reason why you don’t need military training is not because of me, but because of Yu Ke’er, a classmate that we couldn’t even imagine!

But Shi Luoxi still held back after all, first of all, she is still not sure whether this Yu Ke'er is really what her brother said, she is the killer sent by Yu Changshan's people.

Secondly, if this kind of thing is said, it will only make everyone think that she is a person who can't see the good of others.

Shi Luoxi laughed loudly and said: "Haha, you guys really know how to joke, if I can make our entire department not have military training, then I won't be able to go to heaven?

Let's just say that!Just Tian Muhe, forget it!He doesn't have that ability, and besides his sister, no one in his family knows of my existence.

If he really did it, wouldn't it mean that he had told his parents, but obviously, he didn't.

And if it was really him, he would have come here to claim credit a long time ago, why am I also curious here?
So in summary, this possibility does not exist at all. "

After listening to Shi Luoxi's analysis, several roommates felt that it was correct.

Han Qiong questioned again: "Who could it be? I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing."

Seeing this, Yu Ke'er didn't want them to continue the discussion.

Yu Keer changed the subject: "We don't have class today, do you want to go out to eat together? This way we can get to know each other better, what do you think?"

Her questioning voice was still very thin, just like the mosquito said, very small.

Fortunately, there are few people, and everyone can hear it.

Han Qiong was the first to answer: "I think there is no problem."

Shi Luoxi also nodded, isn't that the purpose of her going back to school today?

The other student Liu also made an OK gesture, and everyone agreed to pass it.

After a short rest, they found a restaurant with a good reputation, a good environment and affordable prices, especially suitable for their student party.

Walk into the restaurant and choose a location with a good view.

The waiter immediately handed over the menu enthusiastically, and the menu was first passed to Han Qiong.

Han Qiong then said: "How about we order one or two dishes each?"

Everyone made an OK gesture to express their agreement.

Han Qiong took the lead in choosing two dishes, which were not her favorite, but suitable for the public.

(End of this chapter)

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