Chapter 501

After listening to Shi Luoxi's words, everyone swallowed their saliva. This news is simply too explosive.

And the reason why Shi Luoxi said that was because she knew that, judging from Yu Keer's reaction just now, she was almost indistinguishable from that, and she was without a doubt the assassin named Sinister that the big villain said.

Since she is indeed a thorn, why does Luo Xi need her to control her? Luo Xi's life has always been her own decision, of course sometimes there are other things!

Deliberately say what this Yu Keer in front of me knows, so that her gaze does not change, and she crawls along her line.

Yu Ke'er asked quietly: "Wow, I envy you Luo Xi! You were adopted by a successful person like President Si, you must be very happy!"

The other two roommates looked at each other after hearing Yu Keer's words, and they could only silently say in their hearts that she asked such a question out of ignorance.

Classmate Liu was suddenly very interested in Luo Xi's topic, and she continued to ask, "Luo Xi, is it true that you are no longer adopted by him?"

Shi Luoxi nodded.

Classmate Liu asked again: "Is it because Tian Muhe is your current boyfriend?"

Speaking of Tian Muhe, Luo Xi frowned. If the answer is yes, then with them, she has not become a scumbag from now on?
But if the answer is no, Yu Ke'er will definitely become suspicious, she knows herself, she still can't play with this Yu Ke'er.

Between the two, Shi Luoxi replied: "Not really, he drove me away first, it is said that he had a new fiancée, that one, that one, it seems to be called Yao, Yao or something Celebrity?"

Yu Keer blurted out: "Yao Shiyin."

Shi Luoxi nodded excitedly: "That's right, that's right, eh, but you actually know eh!"

Yu Ke'er's face remained unchanged: "Well, she is a big star! You can see her news everywhere."

After the two of them said this, Han Qiong slapped the table: "I'll go, so what is said in the news is true? It is said that Mr. Si and this star Yao will get engaged in the near future. Now that Luo Xi said so, Does it seem to be true?"

Han Qiong's words made Yu Ke'er stunned. She really didn't expect this to happen. In this way, wouldn't it force her to speed up?

She is Si Jingchen's fiancée, how could she tolerate others becoming his fiancée.

Yu Ke'er said: "But I remember Han Qiong said last night that he has had a fiancée since he was a child! Logically speaking, it shouldn't be this star!"

Shi Luoxi said without any scruples: "Yes, but his little fiancée passed away a long time ago, but these are what I heard from Mu He, and I don't know if it's true or not.

Although I was adopted by him for three years, we didn't have much contact in these three years, and it was even more impossible for him to mention these things to me. "

After Yu Ke'er heard Shi Luoxi's words, she had a general answer in her heart, and she also made it clear how she should go next.

After a meal, the roommates returned to school happily again.

When they returned to school, they just received the schedule. Since they don't need military training, they start classes earlier than other departments.

Luo Xi was very excited when she got the timetable, it's not too good, more classes are a good thing for her.

Having more classes means that she can spend more time with this Yu Keer, and help her by the way.

Ever since that dormitory dinner, Yu Ke'er seldom dined with them, and under normal circumstances, the few of them almost did their own thing.

(End of this chapter)

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