good sunset view

Chapter 511 Warm concern

Chapter 511 Warm concern

Shi Luoxi was a little unhappy and Tian Muhe left the restaurant first, cursing someone 1 times in his heart.

Until they were sitting in the car, Shi Luoxi muttered in a low voice: "Sure enough, men are big pigs, and talking is like farting, hum! People who don't count their words are too fake..."

Tian Muhe, who was driving the car, almost burst out laughing when he heard what the little girl said.

Only now did he realize that the more he gets along with this little girl, the more cute she will feel, no, not only is she cute, she is simply adorable.

Those little expressions of hers are really not covered up. Any small expression can be made into an infinitely cute expression pack.

Obviously, Shi Luoxi had no idea what Tian Muhe was thinking at this time, and was still immersed in her own world.

At the same time, after Shi Luoxi and Tian Muhe left, Si Jingchen said, "Ke'er still has class tomorrow, right?"

Yu Keer nodded slightly, looking very timid.

Now that Yao Shiyin really sees Yu Keer in front of her, she is unhappy everywhere, and she suddenly feels a sense of crisis.

She found that after this Yu Keer appeared, Si Jingchen's eyes were always focused on this Yu Keer. She used to think that her biggest enemy would be Shi Luoxi, but she didn't expect it!

She really didn't expect that it would be Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway.

It looks so inconspicuous, but why is President Si so interested? Is there really something special about this Yu Keer?
But she really doesn't look like her, even compared to Shi Luoxi, she is much inferior to Shi Luoxi.

This is the piercing eyes she has cultivated for so long as a star.

Si Jingchen continued: "Then I'll send you back first, studies are important."

His tone was soft and warm, Yu Keer nodded happily.

Everyone left, and the rest of Yao Shiyin had to leave too.

Si Jingchen and Yu Ke'er came out and stood at the door of the restaurant waiting for the vehicle to arrive.

When the vehicle arrived, unfortunately, Si Jingchen's cell phone rang: "Hallo."

Then there was a series of foreign languages, which Yu Keer beside her couldn't understand, but she was obediently beside him.

After Si Jingchen finished answering the phone, 5 minutes later, Si Jingchen said, "Sorry, it's a call from a foreign partner."

Yu Ke'er smiled and said, "It's okay."

Si Jingchen continued: "I'm sorry, I may not be able to take you back. I have something to deal with temporarily. I'll ask the driver to take you back, okay?"

Yu Ke'er still has self-knowledge at this time, so she can't say, it's okay, I'll go with you to finish the work first, that's impossible.

Yu Keer: "It doesn't matter, in fact, I can go back by myself."

Si Jingchen vetoed: "You are a little girl, it's dangerous to be alone, be obedient, I'll ask the driver to take you back."

When Yu Ke'er heard these words, her heart was warmed.

In the end, Yu Keer got into the car that Si Jingchen had arranged for her. After Yu Keer left, Si Jingchen said to the people behind, "Come out! Miss Yao."

Yao Shiyin, who had been avoiding and observing them all this time, didn't expect to be discovered, so she came out obediently.

Si Jingchen said coldly: "Miss Yao, there are enough trending searches recently, and I should have made a lot of money too!

But haven't I said that some news is allowed, and some news is absolutely not allowed.

Oh, by the way, it is said that Ms. Yao is pregnant. Since she is pregnant, then go home and have a baby with peace of mind! "

After Si Jingchen finished speaking, he didn't give Yao Shiyin a chance to speak, and then got into another car gracefully.

(End of this chapter)

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