Chapter 515

The next day, Shi Luoxi was honorably unable to get up, her whole body was sore, and she couldn't help scolding someone, really, it was all because of someone.

Compared to her sore back, someone felt refreshed.

Si Jingchen asked with a smile, "Sleep for a while?"

Shi Luoxi glanced at him angrily, and said, "Don't tell me you don't want me to go to class!"

Si Jingchen looked at the time: "It's okay, there's time."

Their class is after ten o'clock, and it is only eight o'clock now, and their home is not far from the school, so there is time.

Si Jingchen said: "It's too late, I can sleep for an hour, and Xiaohe will take you to school as quickly as possible later."

Shi Luoxi's eyelids closed immediately, she was really sleepy!
It was Si Jingchen who woke up, looking at such a tired little girl, he felt a little regretful, he indulged himself too much last night, so that his girl is so tired now.

When Shi Luoxi woke up again, it really was an hour later, because someone woke her up at a fixed time.

After breakfast, after taking the medicine Qin Xiu had prepared for her, Shi Luoxi was sent to school by Tian Muhe again.

She went directly to the classroom, because Yu Keer said that she had already brought the books to the classroom.

If Shi Luoxi didn't know the identity of this Yu Ke'er, she would definitely thank her very much, but after knowing her identity and purpose, she completely understood the reason why she did so.

One of the main reasons for bringing books to her is that she knows that she is still worth using, so she is doing her best!
Shi Luoxi continued to pretend that she didn't know anything, and she asked, "By the way, Ke'er, didn't anything happen when President Si sent you back last night?"

Shi Luoxi spoke in a moderate voice, but enough for several roommates to hear, Han Qiong turned to look at Yu Ke'er.

Look, oh, you have a role to play.

Yu Ke'er's small face was really a little red: "No, nothing really happened, the president gave me a card similar to the contact information."

She did not say that she was not actually sent back by Si Jingchen himself.

But Shi Luoxi knew it, and she also believed her brother's words. The most important thing was to calculate it based on time, and it was indeed impossible for her brother to send her back to school.

Because my brother arrived not long after she got home, if I really sent Yu Keer back to school, it would be impossible to get home in that block, after all, from that restaurant to Beicheng University, I have to go around to get there , and then although the school is close to their home, it still takes a little time.

To sum up, his brother did not send Yu Keer back to school at that time, it is clear that her brother came home directly from the restaurant.

Classmate Liu said curiously: "Wow, is the card that Mr. Si gave you made of gold? It is said that the contact information of these big bosses are all made of gold."

Yu Ke'er didn't seem to want to hide them, as if good things should be shared with everyone.

She directly took out the card and put it in front of several roommates.

Shi Luoxi was the first to speak: "Wow, Ke'er really envies you! Seriously, I was adopted by him for three years, let alone this kind of gold card business card was given to me, I didn't even look at it." Take a look."

What Shi Luoxi said was true, he really hadn't seen what her brother's business card looked like.

But the main reason for this is because she can't use it at all!Their contacts are special, and there is no need to remember his phone number at all.

Classmate Liu and Han Qiong asked curiously: "Ker, can you tell us quickly, what else did President Si say to you?"

Forgive them for being gossips.

(End of this chapter)

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