good sunset view

Chapter 522 I want to give birth to a monkey

Chapter 522 I want to give birth to a monkey

With everyone's encouragement, Yu Ke'er deliberately acted as if she was about to be persuaded.

The president said at this time: "In order to reassure the little girl that she will not suspect that the DNA is fake, we will go directly to the public hospital for identification, and we will not use the doctor in the presidential palace. How do you feel about this?"

Yu Ke'er finally got what she wanted, she nodded slightly, and returned with a trembling voice: "Then, then I'll try."

The president and the president's wife nodded in satisfaction. Just thinking about it, their daughter might still be alive and recognize them. Putting aside some irrational things for now, they are also looking forward to it.

As for the appraisal in a public hospital, Yu Keer had discussed it with her boss early in the morning.

If the doctor in the presidential palace was used to make this appraisal, then she would undoubtedly be exposed, and the doctors in the presidential palace were not easily accessible to them.

But public hospitals are different. It is relatively easy to change an appraisal report.

Qi Zibai seemed to be very happy because the little girl in front of him might be his sister.

He seemed to be in a hurry: "Then it's better to hit the sun than break the day, why not go for a paternity test today, aunt?"

Qi Jingyuan nodded: "Well, it couldn't be better, I wonder if Ke'er is convenient today?"

Yu Ke'er replied: "Well, I can do it today. Today I just have an appointment with Brother Chen. I have time."

Hearing her address, Si Jingchen's mother asked, "So, Keer, you and our Jia Xiaochen have known each other for a long time?"

Yu Ke'er unconsciously glanced at Si Jingchen.

Si Jingchen smiled: "Mom, you will scare Ke'er like this. This is the first time Ke'er has met all of us! Don't scare Ke'er, she is timid!"

Qi Zibai on the side thought the matter was not big enough and said: "Yes, Aunt Ya, be careful that your daughter-in-law will be scared away by you!"

Si Jingchen's mother glanced at Shi Luoxi inadvertently, the little girl's reaction was too quiet, she felt that there must be something tricky about it.

Sure enough, she was as witty as Si Mu, and she quickly joined in the performance of these brats: "Hey! I said brat, if this is the case, you have to take care of my daughter-in-law. If one day I run away, I will be the only one." You are asking."

After Si Mu finished speaking, she looked at Yu Ke'er with a smile in her eyes, and then Si Mu said: "Ke'er, I can tell you! This brat needs to be dealt with, you should take care of him more! "

Yu Ke'er was very shy, and her little face was slightly red.

On the other hand, Shi Luoxi, who was sitting opposite Yu Keer, didn't have any expression on her face, as if these things had nothing to do with me.

Si Mu then said to Qi Jingyuan: "Jingyuan, it seems that the two in-laws have hope again. At this moment, I suddenly look forward to holding a grandson!"

Qi Zibai, who had been sitting next to Shi Luoxi all the time, also said in line: "Chen, you might hurry up, our girl doesn't wait for anyone, so! At this time, children are very important.

Xixi, you are right!If Chen had a child with our little girl, it would be wonderful. "

How could Shi Luoxi not know what Qi Zibai said!Big brother wants him to have a baby with that big villain, hmph!Is this what she wants?

Si Jingchen looked at Yu Keer's little girl seriously from a place where Yu Keer could not see: "Well, indeed, if Keer is willing, I also want a child that belongs to us.

As you all know, when I was a child, Ke'er was arguing all day long to marry me, and even said that she would give birth to a baby monkey for me. It seems that now I have a chance. "

(End of this chapter)

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