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Chapter 527 Don't Bully My Sister

Chapter 527 Don't Bully My Sister
Looking at the people around, the only person she needs to obey is Yu Changshan.

Yu Changshan gave her a look, and Yu Keer understood.

Yu Ke'er looked very difficult to accept, and tears fell instantly: "I'm really sorry, I really may not be able to accept all this now, all this is really too sudden for me, I just feel that this Everything is like a dream.

I want to ask you, can you give me a little time, let me buffer, I really don't know what to do now. "

Looking at Yu Ke'er at this time, listening to her words, it is so pitiful, it makes people feel distressed.

The president's wife said a little sadly: "It's okay, we are willing to wait, we are willing to wait for you, it's okay, we will give you time, this is your home, and you are welcome here anytime."

The president took the words and said: "When you are willing, Ke'er, we will take you to our Yu family's old house, where there is still an old urchin living there, that is, your grandfather.

Originally, your grandfather would also come over this time, but after all, he is old and has many problems, so he was not able to come to meet you, Ke'er, this time.

After you are willing, Ke'er, we are taking you to see your grandfather. The old man will be happy. "

Yu Ke'er immediately put on a worried look: "Then, how is grandpa doing now, he, is he alright?"

Mr. Qi laughed loudly: "Ker, let me tell you, he is very good! He just likes to attract attention, and he just wants to trick you into visiting her in person."

What Old Master Qi said is true, the grandfather in Yu's old house is indeed an old urchin and childish.

But his childishness, his performance that does not match his age, all these seem to have changed after the fire 15 years ago.

Qi Zibai said with a look of dislike for his grandfather: "But don't listen to grandpa's nonsense.

Also, Grandpa, you will scare Ke'er like this. If you scare my sister away, I will be anxious to you! "

For Qi Zibai, Yu Ke'er didn't know why, she just felt a sense of fear.

I don't know if the reason for this feeling of fear is because of her previous occupation, because that occupation is just right, forming a kind of cat and mouse with her big brother Qi Zibai.

She used to be a mouse, but her brother Qi Zibai was a cat!The mouse is naturally afraid when it sees the cat.

Even now Qi Zibai is constantly talking for her, loving her, and acting so kindly.

But she was afraid, afraid of Qi Zibai who was full of military atmosphere.

After listening to Qi Zibai's words, Mr. Qi continued to laugh: "Boy, you are jealous of me, jealous that I have a granddaughter, by the way, boy, let me tell you! You are not allowed to bully your sister."

Qi Zibai smiled: "Why, it's too late for me to love my sister! How could I bully my sister!"

Everyone talked to each other, it seemed that the family recognition just passed by so quietly, not as exciting as expected, and not as grand as Yu Keer imagined.

She thought that after they knew that she was their daughter, they would definitely announce it to the world. After all, this was a way to make the empire more secure.

But apparently none of that was and was never mentioned.

In the end, it was agreed that they would give Yu Ke'er some time to let her have a process of accepting this matter.

After everyone left the presidential palace, it seemed that the presidential palace suddenly became deserted.

(End of this chapter)

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