good sunset view

Chapter 531 Premonition

Chapter 531 Premonition
Inadvertently, the hat also fell off.

It was too late to cover up, Tian Jingxuan could only smile awkwardly: "Hey, Zibai, how did you find out that it was me? I think my disguise is pretty good! Logically speaking, it should be impossible to be recognized!"

Qi Zibai smiled and said: "Xuan'er, you also said that it should be, and I was an accident in this should, so I really recognized it."

Tian Jingxuan pursed her mouth, a little unhappy, but she could be recognized like this, it's really not fun!

Tian Jingxuan put down the things in her hands and asked, "Want to have breakfast together?"

Qi Zibai nodded, the breakfast brought by his wife, needless to say?Of course you won't refuse!
Qi Zibai opened the breakfast one by one, and it was very rich, which made Qi Zibai ask suspiciously: "Xuan'er, did you encounter any happy things? Looking at your series of performances today, I think my Xuan'er must Something good happened.

Mind sharing? "

Tian Jingxuan sat on the chair and sighed: "Oh! If it is a good thing to be arranged to work abroad again, then this should be it. For me, it is definitely a good thing."

Looking at Tian Jingxuan, Qi Zibai then asked seriously: "Xuan'er is going to accompany her on another visit? Who is she accompanying this time? Which country?"

Tian Jingxuan didn't hide anything, and said directly: "It's still country H, and I'm still with Yu Changshan, isn't it a coincidence, but it's also very fun."

Qi Zibai smiled, his daughter-in-law just likes to do big things, and he won't stop her.

Qi Zibai said: "Xuan'er must pay attention to safety, those people are not so easy to deal with."

Hearing Qi Zibai's words, Tian Jingxuan smiled, she actually didn't care about her own safety, what she cared more about was how to break into Yu Changshan and those people.

And how can we really get in touch with the core of those people, know what they will do next, and what they will do in the empire, no, to be precise, what do they want to do with the empire.

It is said that people who are about to die generally have accurate premonitions, just like Tian Jingxuan seems to feel that her life is about to come to an end.

It seemed that she felt that this would be her last job, the last chance to do something, and of course, it might also be the last time she saw the person she loved all her life—Qi Zibai.

Qi Zibai looked at the wandering daughter-in-law, and patted her head: "What are you thinking?"

Tian Jingxuan came back to her senses, and asked with a smirk: "Zibai, if one day I go to a distant place, you will be happy, right?"

Hearing about his daughter-in-law, Qi Zibai's face became so stinky.

He said with a cold face: "Tian Jingxuan, do you think it is possible? I will not give you such a chance, no matter in this life or in the next life, you, Tian Jingxuan, will always be my Qi Zibai's, forever. "

Tian Jingxuan nodded seriously and returned: "Yes."

The air seemed to be quiet for an instant.

Qi Zibai said: "Xuan'er, why don't we go this time, let them change."

How could Tian Jingxuan agree to such a request!

Tian Jingxuan kept smiling: "You know Zibai, this is my job and what I love, I will not miss any such opportunity, Zibai, you understand me, right?"

I don't know why Qi Zibai always feels up and down in his heart, feeling that something is going to happen, but he can't explain clearly.

He looked up and saw his daughter-in-law looking at him seriously, how could he have the heart to do it, he really wouldn't let her go!

(End of this chapter)

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