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Chapter 538 The Eve of Departure

Chapter 538 The Eve of Departure
Regarding Tian Jingxuan's nonsensical words, Qi Zibai really didn't know what Tian Jingxuan was trying to express.

Qi Zibai suddenly asked: "Xuan'er, are you sick?" After speaking, he put his hand on her forehead.

When Qi Zibai asked this question, Tian Jingxuan's heart skipped a beat, but she quickly covered it up.

Tian Jingxuan continued to smirk and said, "No! Don't you think I'm fine? Besides, Xiaohe is still a doctor! If I'm sick, Xiaohe won't know? Right, Xiaohe?"

Tian Muhe, who was driving, almost didn't brake suddenly, he hurried back: "Ah, um, yes, if my elder sister is sick, as a doctor, I will definitely know."

Only then did Qi Zibai feel a little relieved.

Tian Jingxuan looked at Qi Zibai seriously again, and said in a rambling voice: "Zibai, let me tell you! You have to smile often, don't treat everyone rigidly, you have to treat others like me, You are really handsome and charming when you smile, you can ask Xixi if you don’t believe me!”

Qi Zibai frowned, he doesn't like to laugh?He has a charming smile?If you don’t believe me, ask his sister?What is this all about?
Tian Jingxuan still said non-stop: "Oh, by the way, don't miss me all the time! Just allow yourself to think about it once in a while."

Why does Qi Zibai have the urge to pry open someone's head now!

He really doesn't understand what the daughter-in-law is talking about.

Qi Zibai said in a strict voice: "Tian Jingxuan, what I heard from you is that you will not come back after going abroad this time, but I can tell you that your life, Tian Jingxuan, belongs to me, Qi Zibai, and so will your death. "

Tian Jingxuan smiled, but what to do, I might really leave you this time, forever and ever.

Finally they arrived home, this time Tian Muhe drove the car directly to Tian's house, Tian Muhe asked: "Brother-in-law, do you want to go in and sit?"

Qi Zibai was about to answer, but Tian Jingxuan took a step ahead: "Oh, Zibai, you should take our leaves back first!"

Only now did Qi Zibai realize that he was driven away by his wife?
Seeing his daughter-in-law's small eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he replied in a deep voice: "Oh!"

When Tian Jingxuan was about to get out of the car, she kissed Qi Zibai, and after a long time, she reluctantly left.

Before getting off the car, she whispered in his ear: "I love you."

Qi Zibai who was still in the car couldn't react for a while, what happened to his wife?
I couldn't figure it out, so I simply listened to my daughter-in-law first and took their leaves home.

It was already night when they got home, because Tian Jingxuan was going to fly to country H tomorrow to start a new job.

Of course, Tian Jingxuan's work plan this time is that Tian Muhe will also accompany her to country H, which is allowed.

Although the unit was very disbelieving when it heard the news of Tian Jingxuan's illness, and said that it would be replaced by someone else, Tian Jingxuan refused.

She said that she wants to complete her last job perfectly, which can be regarded as the last farewell to this position she loves.

In the evening, Tian Jingxuan specially asked the servant to make supper. He said that they were going on a business trip for several days this time, so they wanted to get together with their parents.

Under Tian Jingxuan's strong request, Tian Muhe reluctantly allowed her to prepare some ingredients.

The supper was ready, and the family sat together laughing and laughing. Tian Jingxuan enthusiastically recommended her secret grilled chicken wings.

Tian Jingxuan said with a smile: "Come on, everyone, try my grilled chicken wings. Although it seems a bit unhealthy to eat the food at night, let's eat it once in a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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