good sunset view

Chapter 543 Special Teleportation

Chapter 543 Special Teleportation

Tian Jingxuan came to the hotel arranged for them in country H. The hotel was the largest in country H, and the security guarantee was absolute.

This is also one of the reasons why Yu Changshan can rest assured that Tian Jingxuan will enter his room. Of course, he still thinks that a little girl will not cause any big waves.

So Yu Changshan didn't think too much, and decided to let Tian Jingxuan come back to pick up the documents.

Tian Jingxuan took Yu Changshan's room card and walked in very strangely. The rooms in this kind of hotel are similar to those at home.

Tian Jingxuan came to the table he mentioned, which turned out to be a table on the balcony, with a computer and a document placed on it.

Tian Jingxuan walked over, looked at the document, and found that the document was the one Yu Changshan mentioned. She didn't think much about it, just picked up the document, turned around and prepared to leave.

She just took a step, as if tripping over something.

She turned around, and it turned out that she had tripped over the computer cable, and the computer screen was still black, which meant that the laptop was only charging.

Tian Jingxuan didn't care too much, as long as she didn't knock the computer off, she didn't care about anything else.Picking up the file again, she was about to leave. This time she had to be more careful, but it was her own caution, as she inadvertently saw something under the computer.

She took a closer look, and gently lifted the computer. It turned out to be a post-it note with a line of words written on it. It seemed that the words were written by Yu Changshan.

The place names of country H were written in imperial characters. This must not be written by the people of country H. Tian Jingxuan could hardly forget it. She memorized the line of characters and the long list of place names.

After remembering it clearly in her mind, she gently put down the computer, she didn't touch these things of Yu Changshan, everything was still the same.

Tian Jingxuan picked up the documents, left Yu Changshan's room, and came to the conference hall again.

Tian Jingxuan handed the document to Yu Changshan: "Is this the leader?"

Yu Changshan opened it and looked at it: "Well, that's it, thanks to Xiaotian."

Tian Jingxuan smiled.

After the meeting ended, some cooperation projects between Empire and Country H were signed. Of course, it also meant that the visit of Yu Changshan and others to Country H came to an end.

After finishing work, Tian Jingxuan returned to her room, and now she had to find a time for Yu Changshan and Moni to meet privately.

Now she only knows the location, and the time is still short. Her brain is flashing rapidly, and she keeps calculating the time when they are likely to meet.

Finally, she announced the approximate time of their meeting, raised her hand to check the time, and it was getting late.

As a member of the new generation, Tian Jingxuan, of course, thinks that sometimes she can be regarded as a media person.

Since she chose to follow Yu Changshan and Moni secretly, she must also be fully prepared.

She is only one person, and it is inevitable that some accidents may happen. In order to bring out accurate information and find evidence of the collusion between Yu Changshan and Moni, she needs to use something to prove it.

As people of their generation, among other things, they have the most contact with high-tech things, and they are also the most usable.

No, at the critical moment, Tian Jingxuan wants to transmit some important things to the country in real time through the highest transmission method of modern media.

Tian Jingxuan took out the tools she always carries around, similar to a mobile phone, but not a mobile phone, it has very few functions, and it is still pocket-sized.

It can be said that it is actually just a professional video recorder with an additional function of real-time network transmission.Very small, not easy to be found.

(End of this chapter)

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