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Chapter 569 The reason for the hasty end

Chapter 569 The reason for the hasty end

The president nods.

Si Jingchen almost shouted: "Did Uncle Yu never think about it, what if Ke'er was lucky enough to survive?
Even if you don't thoroughly investigate the cause, at least you must thoroughly investigate the place where the crime occurred inside and out!
Why did you choose to end in a hurry? "

Speaking of this, the president's tears fell unconsciously.

The president said: "The fire that year was a major blow to our Yu family. After the fire, my father fell ill.

Before his father died, the last words he said were: "Changfeng, you are an elder brother, and my father hopes that you can live in peace for the rest of your life. It is true that Changshan did something wrong this time.

Ke'er's departure made his father very sad, but the dead cannot be brought back to life.

Promise father, let him go this time!If he makes any mistakes in the future, I support you to deal with him unconditionally, and I will never intervene. "

After Mr. Yu finished his confession, he passed away.

For the president, he knew that his father was pleading for Yu Changshan with his last breath.

In the end, my father still felt sorry for Yu Changshan. My father always knew and understood that Yu Changshan's dream was to become president.

But as a person who has been in power all his life, he knows better than anyone else who is suitable for the empire and who can bring a happy, happy and healthy life to the people of the empire.

Si Jingchen still has a little impression of what the president said, after all, he also started to remember things at that time.

That year, many things happened in Yu's house. First, the president's daughter was taken away by fire, and then the former president passed away unfortunately.

In order to stabilize the whole situation at that time, the president really had to do that.

At this time, Si Jingchen understood why his father dealt with the fire so hastily back then. It turned out that there was a reason for all of this.

The video was still going on, and there was already one more person on the video screen at this time, and that person was familiar to them, and that person was Tian Jingxuan.

It was only after seeing this that Si Jingchen knew that Sister Xuan was discovered in this way, which meant that Sister Xuan's death was not simple as he reasoned.

In the video, documents were placed on the conference table, and both of them raised their pens at the same time, and under the "witness" of Tian Jingxuan, they signed the so-called treaty.

After reading this, the president was already very angry.

The president asked viciously, "Chang Shan! After all these years, why haven't you let go! Do you really want to take this position?
At the expense of our beautiful homeland, at the expense of breaking our country into pieces?

It seems that I have always indulged you too much, even if you took my daughter away.I still see you as a brother, but what about you? "

Although Yu Changshan couldn't hear the president's words for the time being, Si Jingchen had already made a decision in his heart.

Si Jingchen asked, "Uncle Yu, what are you going to do next?"

The president smiled coldly: "I will never allow them to succeed. If we want to destroy our beautiful homeland, we must first see if they can pass me."

This is his good brother. He challenges his bottom line again and again, and often he just turns a blind eye.

He thought that as long as he didn't do anything harmful, then he could leave him alone for the time being.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that he has been going on for the past ten years, and even went too far this time. He simply wants the lives of the people of the empire.

Si Jingchen replied: "As far as I know, they want to obtain Uncle Yu's position as president through trickery."

(End of this chapter)

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