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Chapter 577 Extremely Disgusting

Chapter 577 Extremely Disgusting
Yu Ke'er said in a whiny voice: "It's all right, brother Chen decides."

Si Jingchen replied: "Why don't we set it in the spring of next year! It's almost Chinese New Year now, and we'll get married in the next year."

Yu Keer nodded shyly, it is indeed not far away, isn't it just over two months?
She can wait for more than two months.

Yu Ke'er twisted her body: "Brother Chen, Ke'er likes children so much, we have our own baby, okay?"

Yu Ke'er knew that her identity might be exposed when her business was over, and the only way to stay by Si Jingchen's side was to give birth to Si Jingchen's child.

As long as she has a child, she will be able to stabilize her status. Even if her identity is revealed, she will have a protective film of a child at that time.

She is the mother of his child, so naturally he won't do anything to her.

When Yu Ke'er finished speaking, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Unfortunately, Si Jingchen's phone rang again.

Si Jingchen answered the phone: "What's the matter?"

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be speaking in a hurry: "The president is not well, there is a problem with our project in Europe."

Because of the close proximity, Yu Ke'er could hear the contents of the phone clearly.

Si Jingchen hung up the phone: "Ke'er is very late, you rest first, I'll go back to the company to deal with something."

Although very unhappy, Yu Ke'er still acted considerately: "Well, it doesn't matter, work is important, Brother Chen, go quickly! But don't be too tired!"

After finishing speaking, she consciously got off Si Jingchen.

Si Jingchen didn't hesitate or pause, he left his so-called apartment directly.

After Si Jingchen left, Yu Ke'er was happy, but just now they were just a little bit short, she could completely become Si Jingchen's woman, what a pity that damn phone call.

But in the end, Yu Ke'er is now more clear that Si Jingchen loves her, otherwise he wouldn't tell himself so much.

The most important thing is that he said that he wants to advance the wedding date, which is the most gratifying point.

After she was happy, Yu Keer took a look at the apartment, and went to the master bedroom consciously. She lay down, constantly thinking about the sweet time she had with Si Jingchen just now.

Before she knew it, she suddenly thought of a person, Shi Luoxi.

When Shi Luoxi was mentioned, Yu Ke'er's expression changed. Although Shi Luoxi was only Si Jingchen's lover, she did not rule out her threat to him.

Especially men, it is said that some men are used to being with the same person, which is a threat to her.

Yu Keer took out the recording pen again from her bag, she was quite fortunate, this is a habit she has maintained for so many years, no matter who she is talking with, she will record it.

Holding the recording pen, Yu Ke'er seemed to have thought of something, and the smile on the corner of her mouth widened.

Compared with her happiness.

Si Jingchen was very cold.

The moment he walked out of this room, he barely vomited. He had been holding back just now. It wasn't a little disgusting, but so disgusting that he was about to suffocate.

At this time, the figure of his little girl kept flickering in his mind. The moment Yu Keer touched him just now, he felt like he was going to die.

He knew why, although his symptoms had been cured, the only person who could be intimate with him would always be Shi Luoxi.

Seeing Si Jingchen walking to the side of the car, Wei Feng immediately opened the car door for him like a dog: "Please, young master."

When Si Jingchen got into the car and the car started to drive, Si Jingchen said coldly, "It's been too easy lately? Why did it take so long to call?"

Wei Feng put on a bitter face that I was really doing my best for you, young master: "Master, Madam said by the way, let's see if your illness has recovered."

(End of this chapter)

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