good sunset view

Chapter 588 See you at the beach

Chapter 588 See you at the beach

On this day, approaching New Year's Eve, the school had already been on holiday.

It's rare and unexpected that Yu Ke'er actually made an appointment with Shi Luoxi.

Yu Ke'er called and asked, "Luo Xi, do you have time today?"

When she received Yu Keer's call, Shi Luoxi was quite surprised, because Shi Luoxi knew that Yu Keer didn't really have anything to do with her, and it wasn't the kind of thing that needed to be done with her.

For Yu Ke'er, Luo Xi had no use for her at that time, so she didn't have any reason to get close to him.

But ask her out this time?It's really unpredictable.

Shi Luoxi asked uncertainly, "Ker, is it really you?"

Yu Keer: "Yes, it's me, why don't you believe me?"

Shi Luoxi smiled: "It's surprising that Ke'er would look for me." These words were obviously ironic.

Naturally, Yu Ke'er could tell that she thought she had nothing to make Shi Luoxi uncomfortable.

When it comes to making her uncomfortable, it's probably because of Brother Chen!After all, Brother Chen is her fiance, while Shi Luoxi is Si Jingchen's mistress.

There is a big difference between the two. As the saying goes, since ancient times, such things as lovers are naturally shady. In front of the real one, she really needs to bow her head.

Yu Ke'er thought of her purpose, and she continued to ask: "Luo Xi, it's a holiday, why don't we have a good relationship.

Luo Xi, you know that I have always regarded you as a friend. I don't have many friends in Beicheng, and the only one who can be regarded as a friend is you, Luo Xi.

I don't have so many friends like Luo Xi, you have so many friends in this bustling city of Beicheng. Maybe you don't lack a friend like me, but I really need a friend like you.

Maybe you can't understand that it's really hard and pitiful for a person who doesn't have any friends in a city and only has a few relatives..."

Yu Ke'er talked a lot, and Shi Luoxi could naturally tell that she was playing the family card.

Shi Luoxi asked, "Ker, where do you want to date?"

Hearing Shi Luoxi's question, Yu Ke'er unconsciously smiled.

Yu Ke'er immediately said: "Beihai, as a child who grew up in the south, I have always yearned for and loved the sea the most.

So I want to ask Luo Xi to go to the beach. I don't know if you like the beach, Luo Xi. My decision seems a bit inappropriate.

Luo Xi, or the location is up to you to make an appointment!I'm really not familiar with Beicheng. "

Shi Luoxi returned: "Then let's go to the beach! Coincidentally, I also like places with the sea."

Hearing Shi Luoxi's answer, Yu Ke'er laughed even bigger. She had already investigated Shi Luoxi and knew everything about Shi Luoxi like the back of her hand.

Shi Luoxi grew up in the southern city. The southern cities do not want the northern cities to see the sea so easily, and generally have a yearning for the sea.

She knew that as long as she mentioned the sea, Shi Luoxi would definitely not refuse.

Yu Ke'er happily replied: "Okay, Luo Xi, then we'll meet at the beach! By the way, do you have anything you particularly like to eat? I'll bring it over then."

Shi Luoxi didn't say much: "No."

Yu Ke'er finally said, "Okay, Luo Xi, I'll wait for you at the North Sea! We'll see each other."

After hanging up the phone, Shi Luoxi didn't know why Yu Ke'er would date her, nor could she figure out why he would date her at the beach.

Facing a bunch of questions, Shi Luoxi couldn't think of it and didn't know, but it didn't matter, for Yu Ke'er, she hadn't reached the point of being afraid, so what if she was a killer.

(End of this chapter)

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