good sunset view

Chapter 591 1 has been living in deception

Chapter 591
While Shi Luoxi was waiting, the voice recorder came out again: "Ker, I want to too, but now is not the time, you are still young, I don't want to hurt you."

Yu Ke'er: "Brother Chen, I'm not young, I'm not young at all, I'm the same age as Shi Luoxi, why Shi Luoxi was able to become brother Chen's woman three years ago, and Ke'er and Shi Luoxi At Shi Luoxi's age, why can't Ke'er grow up now?"

The man patiently explained: "Ke'er hopes you understand that you will always be different from her. Brother Chen doesn't want to hurt you when you are young. The most precious thing for a girl should be kept in the happiest moment. "

Hearing this, Shi Luoxi suddenly felt very ironic, ah, the most precious thing for a girl should be kept in the happiest moment.

Then when is the moment of happiness again!

When Luoxi asked the question, the person in the recording pen soon asked, "Brother Chen, when will it be considered the happiest moment?"

Si Jingchen returned: "Wedding night."

Hearing this, Shi Luoxi only felt that her heart was bleeding. Was this telling her the fact that she was actually the most pathetic person.

Been lied to, lied to.

A girl's most precious thing should be kept on the wedding night, and she does!She was Luo Xi!Hehe, it's really funny!

It seems that when she was Luo Xi, she really didn't cherish herself. Didn't her most precious thing disappear as early as the day she became an adult?

But at this moment, she heard the man say that the most precious thing for a girl should be kept on the wedding night.

Shi Luoxi originally thought that this recording would end here, but it didn't.

The recording was still playing: "Brother Chen, Ke'er knows, Ke'er wants to keep Ke'er's most precious thing on our wedding night.

However, Brother Chen, Ke'er is still very unhappy, as long as he thinks that Brother Chen and classmate Luo Xi have such a close relationship, Ke'er will feel very uncomfortable. "

The man's voice sounded again soon: "Kerr, don't have to feel bad, Shi Luoxi and I are only involved until now because of a five-year contract."

Yu Keer: "A five-year contract?"

Si Jingchen: "Yes, I signed a five-year contract with her adoptive parents. During these five years, I will support her unconditionally, and she must serve me unconditionally. In other words, We just take what we need, so Ke’er needn’t be sad.”

Hearing this, Shi Luoxi really didn't know what kind of courage she had, how it supported her to continue listening to these words.

The content of the recording continued: "Brother Chen, does Luo Xi know about the contract you signed with Luo Xi's adoptive parents?"

Si Jingchen: "I don't know, but don't think too much about it."

Yu Ke'er: "But as long as Ke'er thinks that brother Chen and classmate Luo Xi have a five-year contract, and only three years have passed now, Ke'er only needs to think that there are still two years left, Ke'er's heart is really messed up. .”

Si Jingchen: "I don't want to do this either, but you know I'm a businessman, and the most taboo thing for a businessman is breaking a contract.

Integrity, fulfill every contract, this is what my grandfather taught me. "

After the recording, it continued to play, but when it got here, Luo Xi couldn't listen to it at all.

Her mind is so messed up right now, she really doesn't know what to do, who to trust or not to trust.

As long as you think about what he said in the recorder, he said that they just took what they needed, those words, like a repeater, kept repeating in Shi Luoxi's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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