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Chapter 593 Photos

Chapter 593 Photos
Could it be that, as said in this recording, they were really just because of the five-year contract, so he needed to keep himself by his side?

Yu Ke'er looked at Shi Luoxi who was in a state of embarrassment at the moment, and the corner of her mouth smiled strongly: "Luo Xi, maybe you won't believe what I said!
But these are indeed true. Our wedding will be announced in a week, and the major media will also broadcast it. If you don't believe Luo Xi, you can wait until a week later.

You'll know in a week if I've lied or not. "

When Yu Ke'er said these words, she was so confident that she couldn't see any part of lying.

The corner of Shi Luoxi's mouth slightly opened: "Hehe, based on these, I have to believe what you said?

Ke'er, don't you know that I actually don't have much to do with Si Jingchen?Didn't he tell you that I just stayed at Si's house for a while?

By the way, Zeng Jin seems to have said something like this when he adopted me. It seems that men like to show their love in front of little girls, making the little girl feel that she is his only one. "

When Shi Luoxi said these words, she didn't even realize how much hostility she was saying these words at the moment.

After listening to Shi Luoxi's words, Yu Ke'er didn't think there was anything wrong, she just felt that Shi Luoxi was really pitiful.

Yu Ke'er said again: "Luo Xi, can you still change that you have been with brother Chen a long time ago, do you still dare to say that you are clean?
By the way, isn't Brother Mu He your current boyfriend? I don't think you dare to tell him that you have always had some deals with Brother Chen!
Luo Xi, don't lie to yourself, the reason why I choose to tell you this today is indeed out of selfishness. "

Yu Keer looked at Shi Luoxi's reaction.

He continued: "But I'm also doing it for your own good, as a classmate, as a roommate, I really don't want to hurt you.

If you really think Brother Chen loves you, you might as well look at these photos again! "

Yu Ke'er forced the photo into Shi Luoxi's hands, and it was hard for Shi Luoxi not to see the photo.

The scale of the photo really made Shi Luoxi's eyes brighten, the people in the photo looked so familiar!
Seeing Shi Luoxi's reaction, Yu Ke'er knew that these photos worked.

Yu Ke'er sighed: "Oh! Luo Xi's elder brother Chen really disagreed at first, he said he wanted me to be the most beautiful and happiest bride in the world, so that I wouldn't leave any regrets.

But under my insistence, I said, as long as I am with Brother Chen every day and every moment, I will be the most beautiful and happiest bride.

Anyway, Luo Xi, brother Chen is mine now, can you leave him?

As my soon-to-be wife, I really can't accept that my man has another woman outside.

I think if it were you, Luo Xi, you wouldn't be willing to do this, would you?
So Luo Xi, I beg you, okay?Can you leave Brother Chen? As long as you are willing to leave Brother Chen, you can say whatever you want, as long as I can do it. "

Originally, Shi Luoxi only believed 50.00% based on that recording, but the photo at this moment.

The two people in the photo treated each other honestly, and Yu Keer was really willing to show such a photo.

Shi Luoxi looked at the photo, she recognized that man's face!
When Shi Luoxi thought back on these days, it seemed that someone really didn't go home for a few days, and then looked at the photos, so it turned out to be like this!Oh!No, that is home!

(End of this chapter)

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