good sunset view

Chapter 595 You Can Leave Him

Chapter 595 You Can Leave Him

It was night, and Shi Luoxi was waiting for that person's return.

As soon as Si Jingchen came back, he found her on the balcony.

Standing on the balcony, she was blown by the breeze.At some point, someone walked towards her.

hugged her from behind.

His voice was very gentle: "Why are you blowing the wind here? What if you are sick? Little idiot."

Every sentence he said was so pampering, Shi Luoxi didn't know why, but at this moment, Yu Keer's words came to mind again in her mind.

The last words Yu Keer said to her: "Luo Xi, I really like Brother Chen, he is the person I have identified in my life.

We are childhood sweethearts, we were supposed to be together, and now, we are really together, Luo Xi, I hope you can help us.

Can you leave Brother Chen? "

Her last sentence, can you leave Brother Chen?Shi Luoxi's heart skipped a beat at that moment, could she leave the man who was hugging her at this moment?
Can she really do it?
Shi Luoxi didn't speak, Si Jingchen held her small hand with his big hand, and he said softly, "Hands are so cold."

Finally, Shi Luoxi asked, "Brother, are you busy these days?"

Si Jingchen didn't think too much about Shi Luoxi's question: "Well, I'm a little busy.

What's the matter, Xi'er? "

Shi Luoxi shook her head.

She was quiet again for a while.

Is she going to choose to leave him?She didn't believe Yu Ke'er, but what about the man in front of her!Should she believe it?
Shi Luoxi suddenly turned around and faced him.

Her eyes are full of stars, but his eyes are full of her.

Under this starry sky, they enjoy the vast expanse of the sky together.

There is no doubt that he loves her, and everything to him is also her.

The little girl was a little short, she rubbed her way up, but she was still not as tall as his brother, and couldn't stand at the same height as him. The little girl was a little impatient, not to mention how cute the expression on her face was.

Si Jingchen smiled fondly, and he lifted it lightly, and the little girl was almost the same as him. It turned out that he was the one who picked up his naughty little girl.

His words sounded immediately: "Is this height okay?"

Shi Luoxi was face to face with him, at the same height, and could clearly see every inch of his face, as if he couldn't get enough of it, Shi Luoxi just stared at someone for a moment, as if wanting to see someone It is deeply imprinted in my mind and will never be forgotten.

The breeze on the balcony is still blowing slowly, with a trace of coolness, Shi Luoxi is wearing a skirt today, it is snow white, it is very beautiful, it is a pity, such a beautiful skirt is destined not to survive for long .

He seemed to be holding a pearl, which was very precious, and gently left a mark on her forehead. The little girl was always so beautiful, and he really wanted to hide her.

After a long time, Shi Luoxi smiled and said: "Brother, if we say that we get separated one day, will you still remember Xi'er? Will you still remember that there was a troublesome, stupid, and silly little girl who was also with you?" Have you ever passed by in your life?"

Because it was cold on the balcony, Si Jingchen gently carried the little girl back to the house, and he returned leisurely and seriously: "Yes, no matter where Xi'er goes to the ends of the world, my brother will be there, so no matter what time, Xi'er will always be there." It will be imprinted on my brother forever." His hand stroked the position of his heart.

With him like this, Shi Luoxi was in a daze, as if he had forgotten everything about today.

She suddenly kissed him boldly and deeply. She was beautiful, and he was handsome. The fairy skirt and the high-end custom suit that symbolized status fell to the ground.

At this time, the breeze on the balcony is still blowing slowly, and the neon lights of the city are constantly flashing.

(End of this chapter)

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