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Chapter 60 Unfriendly Provocation

Chapter 60 Unfriendly Provocation
Such games are generally continuous. After the first round of game statistics, the second round will start soon.

Compared with the previous round, the second round is more exciting and more exciting. In this round, there will be a big fight.

In other words, there is no limit to the number of promotions in this round, as long as you can reach the finish line within the specified time, you will naturally enter the final championship competition.

Tian Jingxuan, a caring hero, is naturally the one who has attracted much attention, and some even secretly doubt that she will win.

Of course, there are disharmony, and some people will pay more attention to popo, a powerful player. It is said that this player has been fighting on this track for decades.

He started to get in touch with these games when he was very young. Of course, he is also known as the undefeated God of War, and he has never lost a game.

Tian Jingxuan will choose to compete this time. To be honest, she is really running for the undefeated God of War. For her, those bonuses are not a problem at all.

She just wants to challenge the strong.

Compared with the previous round, this round of competition has obviously risen by a few levels, and Shi Luoxi's heart also fluctuates accordingly. Whenever she sees a car approaching her sister Xuan, she will appear Extra worried.

"The caring man pays attention to the left and avoids him." Shi Luoxi shouted loudly.

The people on the track seemed to be able to hear her message, and the people on the track really avoided the car that was trying to rub against her.

Then three cars deliberately besieged Tian Jingxuan, which entangled Shi Luoxi's petite heart.

She was terrified, she even forgot to breathe, her eyes kept staring in that direction for a moment.

It wasn't until the car was out of danger that Shi Luoxi yelled loudly: "That's great, sister, you are the best." She didn't call Tian Jingxuan the nickname of a caring hero this time.

Tian Jingxuan, who managed to avoid those vehicles, was almost at the finish line.

Of course, if it is too dazzling, it will often attract attention. Shi Luoxi's heart has been tugging just now, but those other girls who have seen such a thin girl have been cheering for their boss' number one opponent. To be honest, they are very happy. accurate.

Walking over, he was very unfriendly: "Hey, little brat, how did you get in here? Do you know that this place is forbidden for idlers?"

Shi Luoxi didn't pay attention to such voice, she continued to cheer for her sister Xuan.

Luo Xi ignored them when she saw them, and the group of people started again: "Oh, I'm talking to you! You brat is too rude!"

This scene happened to be seen by Tian Jingxuan, who was off the field, she was very angry, and she could be angry.

"Hey, what are you doing? Didn't you see that you scared my sister?" Tian Jingxuan said angrily.

Those people smiled unfriendlyly: "Haha, so she is the sister of a caring hero! She is really caring."

Tian Jingxuan didn't want to argue with these people, but to put it bluntly, these people have long seen her unhappy.

"Hey, caring man, do you dare to wait to bring your sister together for a competition? You have always been single-handedly, and it seems that winning is not so glorious! After all, it is easier to be alone. Look at our boss. Bring someone with you." Their words were still so unfriendly.

How could Tian Jingxuan not know the purpose of these people!
Besides, she doesn't care about winning or losing the game at all, so why should she take her sister to take risks with her!

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't meet your request." Tian Jingxuan said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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