good sunset view

Chapter 605 What Doesn't Belong To You Will Never Belong To

Chapter 605 What Doesn't Belong To You Will Never Belong To
Without any media, the wedding was not what Yu Keer imagined, and there were not many guests.

There is no such attention as she imagined, and at this moment, she has not seen her groom, why, why?
Yu Keer stood alone on the wedding stage, from the first smile, now the smile gradually disappeared, replaced by worry.

She held the wedding dress tightly with her hands, and she really wanted to ask why her brother Chen didn't come.

She looked up at the president and his wife again, her parents, as if they were not very serious.

After coming here for a long time, the guests present began to discuss and became more and more restless.

Yu Ke'er also became more and more worried. She stepped off the stage and walked to the President and his wife. She smiled and said, "Mom and Dad, Dad will lead me to Brother Chen later, right?"

The president asked blankly: "Do you want to be led by me?"

When asked by the president, Yu Ke'er was stunned: "What is Dad asking? If Dad doesn't lead the daughter, who will?"

The president's wife took the words: "Ker, maybe we can't do it, Changfeng can't lead you to your groom."

When the President's wife said these words, how much her heart hurt, maybe only she knew it!
The girl in front of her is the chief culprit who forced their daughter away, and now she is making such a request to them, how can they proceed?
The reason why they are still sitting here today is that they let this fake daughter who has pretended to be them for so long know that it is not hers and never will be.

When Yu Keer heard this answer, her face changed a lot, and her face darkened: "Mom, what's wrong with you and Dad? Today is the day of your daughter's wedding, shouldn't you be happy for your daughter?"

Yu Ke'er's tone of voice at this moment is not the same as before. At this moment, she seems to have returned to her sly personality.

She just wants to get what she wants, so she won't think about it so much.

For Yu Keer's tone, the President's wife was very disappointed. They had been together day and night for a period of time. Why did the treacherous man at this moment speak to them in such a tone?

Mrs. President: "Ker, what do you mean by that? Are you blaming us?"

Yu Ke'er had no patience at this moment: "Shouldn't it be? Today, as a bride, I haven't waited for my groom to come, but my parents didn't say anything, and didn't express their views.

Is this what it's like to be a parent?Don't you want to see your daughter making jokes?Or do you not want your daughter to be happy? "

Yu Keer's words pierced the hearts of the president and his wife.

The president replied: "No, we want our daughter to be happy more than anyone else, and what we want to see most is our daughter's happiness."

Regarding the president's words, it can be heard that when he said these words, he was very serious and not fake at all.

Yu Ke'er took over the conversation: "Since this is the case, Mom and Dad, can you take a look at why brother Chen hasn't appeared yet? If things go on like this, Ke'er is really likely to become a joke.

Mom and Dad, can you please contact Brother Chen? "

At this moment, Yu Ke'er really started to worry, her heart was in a state of ups and downs, as if something was going to happen.

As a killer in the past, she has never been in such a situation. She doesn't know why it happened this time. She is really scared and worried about something.

(End of this chapter)

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