Chapter 608
Si Jingchen smiled: "Yes, indeed, today is a day worth celebrating."

Hearing what Si Jingchen said, Yu Keer breathed a sigh of relief.

She went on to say: "Brother Chen, let's start quickly! More than half of the time has passed, so let's not waste time."

Si Jingchen nodded: "Well, we really can't waste any more time."

Yu Ke'er stepped forward again, she wanted to hold Si Jingchen's arm, but to embarrassment, Si Jingchen seemed to know that she would do this, Si Jingchen turned sideways.

Yu Keer's outstretched hand was undoubtedly hanging in the air, and this hand was very awkward at the moment.

Yu Ke'er resisted the embarrassment, she stepped forward again, trying to hold Si Jingchen's arm, but in the same result, Si Jingchen didn't let her succeed.

Yu Ke'er was a little anxious: "Brother Chen, I'm wearing high heels and I'm a little tired, can you help me?"

Regarding Yu Keer's words, Wei Feng beside him couldn't help laughing out loud.

Si Jingchen smiled and said, "What does your tiredness have to do with me? Why should I help you?"

Yu Keer's face was ugly again: "Brother Chen, what happened to you today, you, don't you want to marry Keer?"

When Yu Ke'er said these words, tears were about to fall out, with a loving expression.

She went on to say: "I, I get it, Brother Chen, the person you have always liked is Shi Luoxi? Actually, you have no intention of marrying me at all, it's just because I'm the president's daughter, right? ?”

Yu Ke'er's words made the president couldn't help saying: "Sui, please pay attention to your wording, my Yu Changfeng's daughter is not Sui, and you will never be my Yu Changfeng's daughter."

The president's words made Yu Ke'er's face pale.

Si Jingchen's tone was cold: "You still have the courage to mention my Xi'er?"

Hearing Si Jingchen's words, Yu Ke'er remembered what she had done before, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she asked happily: "Oh, brother Chen, I know, the reason why you are like this, I guess it must be your fault." Xi'er is gone, right? Alas! Sure enough! A woman's intuition is always the most accurate."

Yu Keer's words made the president's wife ask excitedly: "You, where did you take my daughter?"

Yu Keer was obviously surprised by what the President's wife said.

Yu Keer asked uncertainly: "Mom, your daughter? Isn't your daughter me? Am I standing in front of you right now?"

The president's wife said coldly: "No, you are not my daughter."

It's quite scary to hear these words coming out of the president's wife.

Yu Ke'er seemed to realize something: "I am your daughter, you were the ones who wanted to recognize me at the beginning, but now you say I am not, aren't you hurting my heart?
Listen everyone, look, these are my parents, they are the president and the president's wife, for my daughter!It's the kind of thing that says you want it, and says you don't want it. "

After Yu Ke'er finished speaking, Tian Muhe, who had been sitting aside, finally couldn't stand what this trickster said.

Tian Muhe: "Come on, until now, you have nothing to argue about, you are not the daughter of the president and the president's wife, you know this better than anyone else.

You don't need to play any emotional cards here, because no one will believe what you say. "

After Tian Muhe finished speaking, a layer of sweat had already appeared on Yu Changshan's face.

At this time, Yu Ke'er was not much better than Yu Changshan, her hands were directly clenched into fists.

(End of this chapter)

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