good sunset view

Chapter 613 His Sorrow

Chapter 613 His Sorrow
For this sudden mist, no one expected, when the sight can be seen clearly.

Si Jingchen cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, it seems that I still underestimate the trick."

Everyone was caught off guard by the thorny escape.

Si Jingchen clenched his fists: "If I knew it earlier, I should be straightforward."

How could he tolerate this culprit and just escape from his eyes like this!From this point of view, he was really sorry for his little girl.

The president sighed: "She will show up again."

According to the words left by the thorn just now, it will indeed appear again.

Si Jingchen nodded slightly, as long as she appeared again, he would definitely not let her go, she was the one who took his little girl away.

So far, he still has no way of knowing where his little girl is. Is she okay?Is she taking care of herself?And so on a series of questions, all he wanted to know.

Si Jingchen finally said: "Keep tracking, and we must not let her go."

If such a cancer remained, it would definitely hurt his beloved.

Just in case, he also had to catch the thorns.

If nothing unexpected happened, there was no doubt that Snickers might also start looking for his little girl.

Judging from what Sue Thorn did just now, she didn't know where Shi Luoxi went, but now, Sui Thorn can be more sure of Shi Luoxi's position in Si Jingchen's heart.

For this reason, she must find Shi Luoxi, as she said, if she keeps Shi Luoxi, she will never be able to get Si Jingchen.

If she wanted to get her beloved, she had to get rid of Shi Luoxi before that.

This is the tricky thorn. Since she was a child, she has always been clear about what she wants, and she has always been. As long as she wants and likes, she will definitely find ways to get it.

Lun Ka replied: "Yes, boss, I'm sorry, this time it was our negligence, and we will definitely complete this task."

Si Jingchen closed his eyes, and he opened them again: "As soon as possible, I don't want this kind of thing to happen again."

Lunka nodded: "Never, I have never failed Lunka, this time I underestimated the tricky thorn, there will never be a next time."

Si Jingchen didn't make too many arrangements for his subordinates to do something.

Instead, he walked up to the president and the president's wife. He was very sad, but said to them calmly: "Sorry, I failed to protect Xi'er, and I failed to give you an explanation."

After Si Jingchen finished speaking, he turned around and left the carefully arranged engagement ceremony.

The moment he turned to face him, the tears in the corners of his eyes finally couldn't hold back and fell out.

At this moment, he looked so lonely and desolate.

After he left, Yu Changshan's sweat had already drenched his clothes.

He stood up secretly, trying to reduce his sense of existence. At this moment, he was glad that his wife and children were not there.

It is relatively easier for him to escape alone.

But is it really as Yu Changshan imagined?

"Chang Shan, where are you going?" The president's voice sounded the moment he stood up.

In desperation, Yu Changshan had no choice but to stand up straight: "Oh, no, I don't think there is anything wrong here, and there are still some things that have not been dealt with when I go back."

The president smiled coldly: "Indeed, there are still some things we haven't dealt with here. Has Changshan been doing well these years?
I think this is mainly related to me as an older brother!I'm sorry, as an older brother, I couldn't take care of you. "

(End of this chapter)

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