good sunset view

Chapter 620 Night falls

Chapter 620 Night falls
The little guy insisted on himself: "No, it's Uncle Boge, this is what my uncle taught me before, so I don't want to change it.

Otherwise, if it is changed, I will change a lot of uncles, such as Uncle Feng!And I still don't know what to change it to! "

Uncle Feng, who was called by the little guy, was obviously immersed in the game of hacking with his colleagues just now, and didn't pay attention to this side.

Uncle Feng asked: "Has Yu Xing finally remembered your Uncle Feng?"

The little guy pursed his lips: "No! Uncle Feng is not fun!"

Then, the little guy suddenly jumped from Lin Yi's arms to Qi Zibai.

The little mouth is sweet: "Uncle Bai, I think you are so handsome! You are even more handsome than my dad."

The little guy suddenly leaned close to Qi Zibai's ear: "But I'll tell you in secret! In fact, my dad is more handsome than my uncle, but Uncle Boge, you are more handsome than my uncle, many times more handsome!"

The little guy just wanted to say it so quietly, because she was afraid that her uncle would be proud when he heard it, so she wanted to tell Uncle Boge secretly.

Originally, Qi Zibai basically had no contact with children, and he didn't like children very much.

But this little guy from my colleague's house is really cute and very attractive. Qi Zibai is quite happy holding this chubby little guy at the moment.

You Qi was praised by the little guy.

Uncle Feng said sadly at this time: "Yu Xing, you were actually bought by a candy. Your Uncle Feng, I didn't buy you less candy! Why didn't you treat me like this?"

The little guy giggled and didn't speak.

After a while, the little guy leaned closer to Qi Zibai's ear again: "Uncle Baige told you secretly! Because they are not as handsome as you!"

Uh, Qi Zibai just discovered that this little guy is actually a face controler!

In this joy, Mama Lin's meals were all finished, and they were served on the table soon.

A large table of delicious food, especially with the taste of a small town, looks very delicious.

Qi Zibai picked up the chopsticks and started to eat without hesitation. Sure enough, it was as delicious as it looked.

This is the best meal he has eaten in a long time, and Qi Zibai is very satisfied after eating such a delicious meal.

This is Qi Zibai's first week in the town. Of course, this week can be said to be Qi Zibai's harvest time.

He left Beicheng, left the place where he was sad, and came to this small town, where everything that brought him was beautiful.

On this day, Qi Zibai was off duty, and he came to the port of the town for the first time, which is very important to the town.

Residents in the small town also like this port very much. The scenery around the port is very beautiful. If you want to ask how beautiful it is, you may only feel its beauty when you are there in person!

Qi Zibai sat on a chair that everyone likes to sit on. He would sit there, which was actually recommended by Lin Yiqiang.

Lin Yi told him that at his current position, he could not only see the endless sea, but also see what he wanted to see after night fell.

In fact, Qi Zibai didn't quite believe this, how could it be so magical, he could see whatever he wanted to see.

With unbelief, Qi Zibai still sat here, what he saw was the endless sea, but it was not dark yet.

According to what Lin Yi said, looking up at the starry sky has to be done after night falls, so Qi Zibai began to wait for the night to fall.

(End of this chapter)

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